
Jun 15, 2008 19:00

Ok. So thanks to the poll over at the AI website about camp counselors, I got an idea for an AU Johnstro fic. But I haven't really done much venturing into the realm of AU with my writing, and I'm not sure if I should ( Read more... )

fanfic, update, pairing: johnstro, question, poll, alternate universe, pairing: mistro

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Comments 19

bloody_pickle June 15 2008, 22:55:37 UTC
I'll read it :) and maybe you could use a different spelling of Michael to avoid confusion?


hatemetoday_xx June 15 2008, 23:20:21 UTC
Mm. Okay. :D

Hmm. Possibly. I'm even considering just using "MJ" for Michael. I call him that often enough anyway. xD;


allowedtobesad June 15 2008, 23:15:39 UTC
I'll definitely read the first chapter, and probably like it! I wouldn't mind seeing some Michael Castro in the fic (I haven't yet read one with him in it); I'm not sure if I'd like him as a major character, though, because I don't know much about him. Also, for the name thing, maybe you could make Michael Johns just Mike... Or Mr. Johns. xD

I'm imagining some nice campfire cuddling. :D


hatemetoday_xx June 15 2008, 23:22:54 UTC
That's good, then. :]
I might just end up having to write one, then. <3

Mmm. I've only seen him show up in the Cookstro rp logs. And he probably wouldn't be a major, MAJOR character. Just Jason's confidant or something.

And I'm starting to think I may just have him go by MJ. Sounds.. campy to me. If that makes sense. xD;

Mmmm. Cute. <3


allowedtobesad June 16 2008, 00:22:01 UTC
Heehee, yay. I'm always excited to see new stuff from you.

Haha... I laughed out loud at your campy comment, then my sister looked at me weirdly. >.<

Yeah. Young Jason... Yum.


hatemetoday_xx June 16 2008, 00:34:58 UTC
:D! Thanks, bb. I'm glad you enjoy my writing that much. <3333

xD; Sorry.
But.. it really does sounds campy.

RAWR. <3333333


nsaphrodite June 16 2008, 00:03:55 UTC
hey, kitty. i hope you take my suggesting for the third part of 'mistakes' for consideration. and what is this simon/jason fic you're writing about? will there be any of your trademark angst? can't wait to read everything.


hatemetoday_xx June 16 2008, 00:27:58 UTC
Mmm, was your the one about Jason's alluded past? Or about David relapsing when he sees Mike again? I'm planning to use both. It's gonna be a loooong chapter. :]

and shitloads of abuse

and the 'trademark' thing made me smile really wide, and then giggle. That made me feel special. <333 Thanks, bb.


aligning_stars June 16 2008, 01:52:33 UTC
omfg where is the simon/jason already i'm dying omfg


this AU fic? omg. i needs it hahaha. i can't wait to see it for real. Church camp is hardly ever very godly. i should know. XD

and i didn't know you were continuing Mistakes! woooo. lots of chocolaty goodness!!!


hatemetoday_xx June 16 2008, 01:58:03 UTC
I'm soooorry. ;; but there's just so much I'm trying to work in! x.x;

:D! Yay! I'm glad people are liking the idea. <3
Ahah. Niiice.
Then again, I've heard stories from friends who went to Stubenville retreats.. yeah. The church stuff was good, but there were too many other stories. xD;

Oh, bb. You make me laugh so much. ilu. <333


aligning_stars June 16 2008, 02:04:41 UTC
guh omg its epic by now, i know it. the idea was epic before you even began writing it. lmao. but omg. omg. i needs it!!!!! D:

ilu moar!!! hahaha. <333333

its amazing to me what teenagers will do when their parents aren't watching, even though God supposedly is. not even the camp counselors were like "hey cut it out." they were more like "hey... come see my bed." lmfao.


hatemetoday_xx June 16 2008, 02:10:54 UTC
totally epic. I hope. I'm scared of letting everyone down, now. XD

ilu even MOAR! :O <3333333

It's actually kind of pathetic. If I went to a church retreat, it would be for the religious aspect.


lonelysarcasm June 16 2008, 04:36:11 UTC
I personally don't want to see Jason's brother in a fic, I think that gets too weird with sibling stuff. That's just me, though. Also, what's this about a Simon/Jason fic? I haven't heard about that... hmm. Thoughts are a-brewin' in my head. Last, I think a regular summer camp >> church youth convention. I'll read the first chapter no matter what though, so do what you're feelin'. :) Hope you had a good weekend!


wakingnitemarex June 20 2008, 23:42:52 UTC
I'm willing to give on one of those, but I dunno which one.
I think I'll end up keeping Michael. Hopefully you'll still read it. :]

The Simon/Jason fic is the "epic" (dubbed so by smackmydishup) fic that I am writing. It is currently 9000 words, and only about 5 eigths finished. There is lots of abuse, angst, and rape.
I get the feeling that it will only appeal to a select audience. ^^;

Thanks for the opinions~ :]


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