Jun 15, 2008 19:00
Ok. So thanks to the poll over at the AI website about camp counselors, I got an idea for an AU Johnstro fic. But I haven't really done much venturing into the realm of AU with my writing, and I'm not sure if I should.
It would involve MJ being one of the counselors, and I'm thinking of sticking Cookie in as another councilor. Jason would be about 16, and MJ would be 24, and the initial crush would be MJ liking Jason. Plans of seduction would likely ensue.
I'm still deciding between basic summer camp, and a church youth convention. I'm leaning more towards the convention.
So.. I guess what I really wanna know is, if I write it, would anyone read it?
Poll AU Fic?
Also, would it be too confusing if I had Jason's brother Michael in it, too? Y'know, the whole name thing? People seem to manage fine with the multiple David's in fics, though..
It's just that Michael Castro is a cutie, and I'd like to involve him.
and a few other updates;
I'm working on a new Cohnstro one shot, and the 10th chapter of Someday is underway. The Simon/Jason is becoming epically LONG (and is accidentally becomeing Simon/Jason and Cohnstro), and I have some ideas for the conclusion to Mistakes, but I've yet to start writing it.
..I think that's everything.
ps; feel free to comment with further opinions. :]
pairing: johnstro,
alternate universe,
pairing: mistro