More Drabbles~

May 02, 2008 17:50

Title: Itunes Meme - Take 2
Author: wakingnitemarex / hatemetoday_xx
Pairing: Cookstro, and a little bit of mistro/johnstro
Rating: PG - R, each fic is individually labled.
Disclaimer: Not real, never happened. I do not own David, Jason, or Michael
Author's Notes: There is fluff, angst, violence, and death. Read at your own risk. Hope you enjoy them <3

Holes In The Floor of Heaven - Mark Wills - PG
Jason smiles saddly. "Y'know.. one day my mother told me that when it rains.. it means that they angels in Heaven are crying. Y'know, your dead relatives and friends, and stuff." He takes David's hand into his, and kisses his cheek gently.

David tries to smile, but he just can't seem to do it. He can feel the tears sliding down his cheeks. His brother feels so far away from him right now. Far away in a white room, full of noisey monitors and machiens, and he's just so scared.

"Sometimes, when I'm lonely, I remember that they can see us. They watch over us, y'know."

Adam, his guardian angel? He gives Jason a small smile. "He'll be such a wonderful angel," he murmurs, "But I don't want him to go yet..."

Jason pulls David towards him, placing David's head on his chest. "He won't.. not yet. I promise."

They both know that it's not Jason's promise to make, but it comforts him a little, anyways.

"I love you, Jason," he whispers.

Never Wanted Nothing More - Kenny Chesney - G

David is sure about this, he has been for weeks, but the moment has never felt so right. He leans forwards lightly grazing his lips across Jason's cheek.

"Close your eyes," he purrs, and Jason obeys. He slowly takes the little black box out of his pocket, and slides off the couch, kneeling infront of his almost!fiancee (he hopes!). He opens the box, and smiles. "Open."

Jason opens his eyes quickly, then freezes, his eyes wide. He gasps, as he finally starts to become 'concious' again. "David." he breaths, and David can see the tears forming in his eyes. "Oh God."

"Jason Castro, make me the happiest man alive."

Overwhealmed, all Jason can do is nod. "Yes," he finally breaths. "David.. yes. Of course." He reaches out, pulling David into his lap and pressing their lips together.

You'll only be the second happiest man alive, Jason thinks as David slides the ring onto his finger.

Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off - Joe Nicohls - PG

Jason had just turned 21, and the performances had ended. They all went out to celebrate, well, everyone who was of age, at least, and he'd had the time of his life.

He'd also learned a very important lesson, and it was one he was sure that neither he nor David Cook would ever forget.

Tequila? It makes Jason's clothes fall off.

I Feel A Sin Coming On - Jason McCoy - M

Jason had grown up well, grown up with God. With the knowledge that pre-marital sex was bad, and moreover that homosexuality was a terrible sin, but when he looks at David Cook he can't quite bring himself to care. And when he sees the way that David looks at him, he can feel the fire inside of his bones.

Then it finally happens. He's drunk, they're both drunk, and Hell, David was so horny. And when he pushs Jason down, he just can't bring himself to stop David.

He closes his eyes for a moment, one last prayer, one last prayer before it could all be over.
Lord have mercy on my soul, I feel a sin coming on

Heaven Is Missing An Angel - ? - PG

"Did it hurt?", David asks, not caring how pathetically lame he is, as he sits down next to the dreadlocked boy at the bar.

"Hmm?", is his reply, as the boy turns to see who was adressing him. He gives him a confused look.

"When you feel from Heaven," David explains, inclineing his head towards him, "Did it hurt?"

Jason rolls his eyes, starting to turn away from the man, but he feels an hand closing around his wrist.

"Please.. I know how bad that sounded, but I really mean it," David presses, desperation in his eyes, "Jay.. you're an angel, you have to be. There's no other explaination." He's speaking quickly, the words rolling out in such a rush. "Heaven is missing an angel, and that angel is you. Honestly, you're so amazing, and you're so beautiful. Your voice makes people feel amazing, it's just so precious. I love you, Jason."

Jason just blinks at David. "Have you been drinking, Dave?"

David sighs in frusteration, and he puts his hand at the back of Jason's neck, pulling him in for a kiss. It's passionate, and lasts for what feels likes years.

Jason can taste no alcohol in the kiss.

Face Down - Red Jumpsuit Aparatus - R
Jason is curled into a ball on the floor, sobbing. He thinks his arm may be broken because it just hurts so much, but he isn't sure. He tries to open his eyes but all he can see are the dizy shapes and darkness of the room surounding him, it's all so unfocused. He's not really sure how long ago Michael left, and frankly, he's more worried about when he'll return. He slowly pushes himself off the ground just enough to crawl towards the apartment door, but before he can make it, his arm gives out, and he screams in pain.

Why Michael, he thinks, Why do you do this? Does it make you feel like a man? He can feel the tears streaming from his eyes as he lays his face against the cool tiles of the floor. Does it make you feel better?

He can still hear Michael's voice ringing in his ears. "I love you, Jason. I love you so much."

Then how can you do this to me?

He hears the door creak open, and a thin strip of light alluminates him. He whimpers, thinking Michael has finally come back. He closes his eyes. Please, God, no more..I don't know if I can take any more.

But the hands touching him now are gentle, and he doesn't understand.

"Shh, shh it's okay, Jason."

David. Jason opens his eyes to look at him, and David finds the pain his sees reflected in them unbearable.

"I've had enough of this," David murmurs, "You're coming with me, now."

Jason cries as David pulls him into his arms, mostly because it hurts so much, but also because he wants to believe David. He wants everything to be over.

Faces In The Hall - Gym Class Heroes - R
David cries out as he sees them pushing Jason down. No, not him, not this. He tries to run into the middle of it, but someone holds him back. "Cool it, bud. We're just teaching the fag a lesson."

David watches in horror as the gang beats his boyfriend, only they don't even know it, or they'd be beating him to. Tears are streaming down his face but he can't make himself look away.

Jason is crying, too, and he just wants it to end. They're kicking him, and hitting him, and oh God, he sees the glint of silver as one of the men takes out a switchblade. Another hit to the face makes his nose bleed. He whimpers, curling around himself. "Please," he begs, "Please stop."

The group laughs at his pleas, not stopping the beating for even a moment. He screams in pain when he feels the blade rip across his back. It goes on for hours, Jason thinks, but he vaguely remembers his law teacher telling him that an attack always feels longer to the victim.

He gasps David's name, choking on his own blood, and keeps crying, but everything is going dark now. The last thing he ever hears is David Cook, the love of his life, screaming his name.

[That killed me so much to write. ;;
and I don't mean to offend anyone with the term "fag". So sorry if I did. ;;]

Don't Waste Your Pretty - Willie Mack - PG
David hates seeing them together. He knows it's not really his place to care, or at least, it shouldn't be. But the heartbreakon look his sees in Jason's eyes most nights as he waits by a phone that isn't going to ring has made him care. Seeing him flirting shamelessly with other members of the audience while Jason isn't looking has made this his business.

Jason is hopelessly lost in the relationship, compleatly whipped, but he looks at Jason like a pretty face to be seen around town with, and it kills David to know how broken Jason will be when it's all over. He wants to warn Jason, he wants to tell him not to waste his time on him, not to waste his prettyness on him, but it's not his place, so he says nothing, but promises himself that he'll be there to catch Jason when he falls.

Keep Your Hands Off My Girl - Good Charlotte - PG-15
"David," Jason whines, "Dance with me."

David just shakes his head, "Not now, Jason," he mutters, and the younger boy sighs, and walks off. David can't help but watch him go, can't help but stare at him as he sways and swirls around on the dance floor. He sees Jason look back at him, licking his lips, and he watches him, transifixed. He turns away for just a moment, but when he looks back Jason isn't alone anymore, and something hot and firey flames up inside of David. H watches as Michael moves behind Jason, sliding his hands over his legs and hips, and Jason tilts his head back slightly, because the soft touches feel really good. Jason is grinding against Michael's crotch and David can't talk it anymore. He stands, walking over to the two men on the dance floor. He taps Michael on the shoulder.

"Yeah, Mike?", he asks, and Michael slowly releases Jason and turns to face David.


"Keep your hands off my boy." And with that he grabs Jason by the wrist, and pulls him farther out onto the dance floor.

Church on Sunday - Green Day - PG
Jason Castro's religion is the world to him, and David Cook knows this. David also knows that he wants Jason very badly, he wants to be all over him, inside of him. He's not sure if Jason knows this, but somedays he gets the feeling that he does. David's faith has been shakey, at best, for years, but for Jason he could believe again.

He tells Jason this one night, and Jason looks at him in confusion. He doesn't understand that David wants him, that David would do anything in order to have him, so David explains the only way he knows how. He leans in and kisses the angel sitting before him, and at first Jason just looks surprised, but then he cries, and David could kill himself for making that happen.

Later, Jason comes to him and tells him that he's scared. Scare, but willing to try, and David has never been happier or more amazed.

Jason has given up so much to David, and the only way David can repay him is to support him. He goes to mass with Jason, it makes them both feel better, Jason especially. He knows Jason is scared that he's ruined his chance at Heaven, and he is clinging onto this last connection, and David can't bring himself to take it from him. He decides he wants to share it with him. And so he does.

He'll never tell Jason this, but sometimes he think that they're already in Heaven.


fanfic, pairing: mistro, singer: david cook, songficlets, pairing: johnstro, drabbles, pairing: cookstro, singer: jason castro

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