More Drabbles~

May 02, 2008 17:50

Title: Itunes Meme - Take 2
Author: wakingnitemarex / hatemetoday_xx
Pairing: Cookstro, and a little bit of mistro/johnstro
Rating: PG - R, each fic is individually labled.
Disclaimer: Not real, never happened. I do not own David, Jason, or Michael
Author's Notes: There is fluff, angst, violence, and death. Read at your own risk. Hope you enjoy them <3

There's Holes in the Floor Of Heaven, and Her Tears are Pouring Down )

fanfic, pairing: mistro, singer: david cook, songficlets, pairing: johnstro, drabbles, pairing: cookstro, singer: jason castro

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Comments 19

insanityxspeaks May 2 2008, 21:15:33 UTC
*takes deep breath*

*takes another deep breath because holy fuckkkkk asjdhflaksjdhflks I'm really kind of speechless right now*

*Is all good now*

Fuck. You, woman, are a God. This is much perfection right now words have no chance of describing it. The angst kills me. "Face Down" and "Faces In the Hall"....seriously? Do you know how much I ADORE you right now?? I don't think you do. Abuse and bullying and all filthy mind devours that shit like chocolate, no lie, check my fics, they vomit that stuff. This. Is. LOVE. Oh, and "Don't Waste Your Pretty" and "Keep Your Hands Off My Girl". You know what doll, I love ALL of these like so much I really just can't express it to its fullest extent but I will be reading these over and over again trust me. You rock. A lot. <333333

Oh and I fixed the story on my LJ page, and I really hoped it worked this time. Or else I shall be very sad.

And again, just for the hell of it, I LOVE YOU!!! :DDD


wakingnitemarex May 2 2008, 21:29:12 UTC
*gives you an oxygene mask*

Aha. I wouldn't quite say I'm a god. Lol. But thank you soo much bb!

mmm. I really love how they turned out. Face Down is so much love, I just hope I didn't make anyone hate Michael. ^^; But FITH was soo hard to write simply because ..Jason + death = FAIL! ;;

*runs off to see if it works*



insanityxspeaks May 2 2008, 21:36:09 UTC
Ok fine, an angel then, tee hee. You are something AWESOME, that's for suuuree <3333

And fuck. I totally just realized that in the bullying one, Jason DIES. I did not know that. *wibbles miserably* But still, now I really want to go write some Jason angst. You have inspired me!! <333


wakingnitemarex May 2 2008, 21:40:15 UTC
Hee~ I suppose I can take that. :P <3 As are you. :]

;; *wibbles as well* Our poor bb.

Oh! Yesplease! I'll be one of the first to read it! Lol. <3


loveisdance01 May 2 2008, 21:17:53 UTC
wow...i am literally speechless....these are breathtaking of them.


wakingnitemarex May 2 2008, 21:30:16 UTC
Thank you so much. <3


rinnuninnu May 2 2008, 21:33:58 UTC
As commentators before me, I'm speechless much feelings right now from up to down, but in a good way write so well.:) Love, love, love.<3


wakingnitemarex May 2 2008, 21:39:02 UTC
Thank you so much~ <3



aligning_stars May 2 2008, 22:16:03 UTC
you're just like, brilliant aren't you? XD

Keep Your Hands Off My Girl was my fave. *loved* the integration of Michael into the couple of these. Muchly.


wakingnitemarex May 2 2008, 22:17:50 UTC
Why yes, yes I am. *proud stance*
j.k. but thank you! <3

Hee~ I thought you would. Lol. :D


heartstopperm May 2 2008, 22:52:52 UTC

...I, these were really good! The Face Down one was my favorite, I think. And Faces In The Hall. But I'm always up for some good angst, so that's probably why.

The other ones were good too! I got to admit, that Tequila song...the title made me giggle out loud. XD


wakingnitemarex May 2 2008, 22:54:46 UTC
Angst = Life.

Thank you so much! :D

Aha. Yes. You should go listen to it, it's such a hilarious song. Soo good, though.


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