A Mavid Drabble :]

Apr 30, 2008 15:29

Title: Lickable
Author: wakingnitemarex / hatemetoday_xx
Pairing: Mavid/Flyboys
Prompt: "Did you just lick me?!"
Rating: PG
Word Count: 421
Author's Notes: Just a drabble I wrote for the round of drabble tag over at the_flyboys. Hope you like it. :]

"Give it back" David whines. He crosses his arms across his chest, and pouts slightly."Michael."

The Aussie laughs, holding David's crossword high in the air. "Why? So you can sit around working on it all day?"


Michael shakes his head, "Nope!" He grins cheekily at David, "You're gonna have to make me."

"Fine," David grumbles, lunging forward, and grabbing at Michael's arm.

Michael shakes him off effortlessly, "Oh, come on, David. You're making this far too easy." He jumps onto a chair, holding the paper even higher, now.

The younger man sighs, "You're so mean, Mikey." He jumps up swatting at his elder's hand, he manages to grab a hold of Michael's wrist, tugging at him slightly.

"Hey, be careful. You don't want me to fall on you, do you?"

Yes David thinks automatically, and blushes. "Naw, man. You'd crush me," he replies, sticking his tongue out at him.

Michael yanks his hand free from David's grip, and attempts to jump from the chair to the bed. Instead, David lunges at his body while it's in mid air, and they're sent crashing to the ground. Michael groans in pain, and David smirks. David has landed directly on top of Michael, and their faces are less than an inch apart, he can't resist. He sticks his tongue out, licking a long, wet stripe up the Aussie's cheek.

"Oh gross!", Michael drops the crossword, and wipes at his cheek. "Did you just lick me, Cook?!" Michael demands, looking both amused and creeped out. "Seriously?"

David reaches out, picking up his puzzle. "Hey. It worked, didn't it?", he asks, flashing the paper in Michael's face. Though he's won what he was trying to get, David can't seem to will himself to move from his position. He stays where he is, staring down at the hot Austrailian pinned underneath him.

"What?", he asks self conciously as he notices David staring at him. It takes a moment before the look in David's eyes registers with him, and when it does, his eyes soften. "David..", he reaches up, gently touching the other man's cheek."You know I'm married, right?"

David nods slowly, closing his eyes as Michael caresses him. "I know," he sighs softly, opening his eyes, "That's why I'm sorry." He leans in, pressing his lips to Michael's softly, then more fiercely.

And he could swear Michael kisses him back.

Chapter 5 of Someday should be up later tonight. :D

singer: david cook, fanfic, pairing: the flyboys, drabbles, singer: michael johns

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