Scenario #1

Apr 17, 2008 22:29

Title: First Note
Author: Kitty
Rating: G
Paring: Cookstro
Scenario: #1: 'Love at first sight'
Word count: 303
Summary: Jason remembers when he first noticed David Cook during Hollywood Week.
Disclaimer: I, saddly, do not own the bbs in this fic. Nor do I own copy rights to the song "Everything I Do".
A/N: Wrote this during Chem and Geo for the newest challenge over at cookstro. Enjoy!

Don't tell me it's not worth lying for..

Jason had been lingering at the back of the auditorium chatting with some of the other hopeful contestants when the voice had first reached his ears. He remembers cutting himself off, mid-sentence, and spinning around to face the stage. And, woah. His jaw dropped, because not only did the singer have the most beautiful voice, but the man who'd been strumming his guitar and singing for the judges was probably, no, definitely, the most beautiful person that Jason could ever recall having seen. And he'd been staring right at him.

Jason had snapped his mouth shut, and a blush had crept across his face. The singer's gaze had lingered on him as he finished the song, before he'd turned his attention back to the judges, and exhaled.

"And that was the easy part."

Oh, Lord. Jason couldn't help but smile, the man's voice was just as amazing when he was speaking. He'd listened intently to the judges, hoping to hear a name, which Simon finally gave him.

David, he'd thought with a smile. Somehow, he'd just known that there was no better name for him. As he, David, cleared the stage, Jason returned to his companions and the conversation that had continued without him.

That was how it had all begun, and as Jason sat on the couch with David's head cradled in his lap, he finally understood the saying 'love at first sight'. He smiled softly to himself as he ran his fingertips over David's jaw. No, he told himself now, it was more than that. Sooner. It had been love at first note. For him, at least.

singer: david cook, fanfic, scenario, pairing: cookstro, singer: jason castro, tv show: american idol season 7

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