
Apr 30, 2011 00:45

[horribly filtered to the boys; hackable by the girls]


Mulans been ignorin me ever since the dance. I

I dont remember much but i think

[sooo many inkblots]

i think i kissed her. izzat bad?

terrible at filtering, dance, kissing, mulan, drinking, derp

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Comments 41

[filtered] dofaye April 30 2011, 06:31:08 UTC
It certainly is bad if she didn't want you to.


[filtered] waitsallthetime April 30 2011, 20:25:58 UTC
i dont think she didnt want me to... we were talkin about kissin in movies

and she said i could show her what it was like in the movies...


[filtered] dofaye May 1 2011, 04:13:02 UTC
I find that a bit romantic, but it doesn't mean she agreed.


[filtered] waitsallthetime May 1 2011, 04:56:38 UTC
it sounded like she did but... i dont know! what should i do?


filtered; puckinyourmom April 30 2011, 07:56:20 UTC
You must have been pretty bad at it.


filtered; waitsallthetime April 30 2011, 20:26:35 UTC
naw man, i dont think i was bad... i mean sure ive never kissed a girl but... still


filtered; puckinyourmom April 30 2011, 22:43:06 UTC
...seriously? Have you not met Brittany?


filtered; waitsallthetime May 1 2011, 04:57:42 UTC
ive met her but what does brittany have to do with Mulan?


[filtered] kid8dik April 30 2011, 09:10:30 UTC
Perhaps it's better not to remember, particularly if your actions occurred while being inebriated.


[filtered] waitsallthetime April 30 2011, 20:27:57 UTC
i think remember more'n i want to...


magicalmiracles April 30 2011, 16:54:27 UTC
nAh, My BrOtHeR.
ThAt'S a MoThErFuCkInG mIrAcLe.
aLl Up AnD mOtHeRFuCkInG bEiNg AlL kIsSy AnD wHaT aLl ThE mOtHeRfUcK??
JuSt Be
aLrIgHt LiStEn HeRe MoThErFuCkEr BeCaUsE i'M aBoUt To Be SpOuTiNg ThE wIcKeD mOtHeRfUcKiN nOiSe oN yOu.
JuSt Be AlL mOtHeRfUcKiNg GoInG uP tO hEr, RiGhT, aNd BeIn aLl 'HeY hEy PrEtTy MoThErFuCkInG lAdY, wHaT aLl Is ThE mOtHeRfUcK??'
aNd MaYbE tAkE hEr SoMeThInG rEaL mOtHeRfUcKiN pReTtY.


waitsallthetime April 30 2011, 20:29:58 UTC

okay i had a hard time reading that but you want me to


uhh, wait no. my mama it was wrong to talk to a girl like that!


magicalmiracles April 30 2011, 21:59:20 UTC
dOn'T bE tAkInG iT sTrAiGhT, mY bRoThEr.
SaY iT fRoM tHe HeArT.
sPoUt ThAt MoThErFuCkInG wIcKeD hEaRtNoiSe.
AlL yOuR mOtHeRfUcKiNg LoVe NeEdS tO rEaCh HeR mOtHeRfUcKiNg EaRs.


waitsallthetime May 1 2011, 04:59:39 UTC
i think i geddit! you think i should tell her how i really feel n stuff?


i dont know if i can do that.


Filtered; hacked vampauxiliatrix April 30 2011, 17:09:31 UTC
That Would Depend Entirely On How You Kissed Her And Whatever Other Circumstances Were Involved During That Particular Display Of Affection
Were You Sober Or Inebriated
Did You Kiss Her Against Her Will Or With Her Consent

I Cannot Give You An Opinion As To Whether Your Kiss Was Bad Or Good Or Mediocre Without Knowing These Details
And Even Then The Only Person Who Can Truly Tell You That Is Mulan


Filtered; waitsallthetime April 30 2011, 20:32:30 UTC
whoa hey howd you read that? i thought it made it so only the boys could read it! But uh i guess... i dont think i did it without permission.

we were talkin about movies and i offered to show her what it was like in the movies when they get real close and kiss, and she said she wanted me to show her.


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