It's one of those nights

Jun 11, 2012 23:51

Everyone has their "guilty pleasure" reads. Mine appear be Melissa De La Cruz's YA Blue Bloods series that mix vampires and Gossip Girls and a little Paradise Lost for good measure. I've now on the fourth book "The Van Alen Legacy" with its switching POVs every chapter; I now understand how GRRM fans feel being tempted to just read the chapters ( Read more... )

vampires, west wing, books

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Comments 3

likeadeuce June 12 2012, 10:43:24 UTC
I may just be really tired but I don't see the typo? (I wonder if your autocorrect caught it?) Or I may just be really tired.


jordannamorgan June 12 2012, 13:49:17 UTC
I do believe the word entropy should be atrophy. Which isn't a mistake a spell checker would catch, as it's a real word. Not a typo so much as an author's brain lapse...


likeadeuce June 12 2012, 14:04:47 UTC
Oh, I didn't think of "entropy" as a mistake for "atrophy." I thought it was some kind of statement about fending off inevitable decay. :)


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