Everyone has their "guilty pleasure" reads. Mine appear be Melissa De La Cruz's YA Blue Bloods series that mix vampires and Gossip Girls and a little Paradise Lost for good measure. I've now on the fourth book "The Van Alen Legacy" with its switching POVs every chapter; I now understand how GRRM fans feel being tempted to just read the chapters that interest them.
These books do remind me to read your work aloud, dear writers, and also proofread because even the best editors/copyeditors/etc cannot avoid such howlers as "every day a team of nurses massaged [her] limbs to keep her muscles from the dangers of entropy." Seeing as they're angels/vampires, I had to pause and reflect on a scene from "West Wing" namely:
We meant "stronger" here, right?
What's it say?
I'm proud to report our country's stranger than it was a year ago?
That's a typo.
Could go either way.