Heroic Age huh?

Jan 30, 2010 00:31

So Marvel posted a new "Heroic Age" promo image recently which is supposed to bring in a more hopeful and optimistic Marvel Universe (with silencers and arrows and uzis!). I have to say in general, the dark storylines are intense and provide a lot of constant change and conflict, but without any let up or end in sight, it can be a little tiring as ( Read more... )

iron man, captain america

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Comments 4

boundtosailaway January 30 2010, 06:02:45 UTC
I agree with this! Like...all of it! You have perfectly summed up every one of my thoughts and written them out. All the way from my annoyance at the lack of women...my dislike of Bucky just carrying on in legacies...my fear for Clint...etc. Yes, covered them all and I completely agree! I'm excited/nervous to see what they'll be doing with all of it.


wabbitseason February 2 2010, 03:54:48 UTC
Did you see the new teaser today? I liked the tagline, even if I'm meh on the artwork. And have you seen the costume contest winner in most of the Marvel books dressed as Bucky Cap?


boundtosailaway February 2 2010, 21:33:10 UTC
Oh man! I hadn't seen that! Yeah, I'm right there with you - I love the tagline! That's great! :D

OOhhh, and noooo - I want to see a dressed up Bucky Cap! <3


wabbitseason February 2 2010, 23:36:30 UTC
This ran in the back of most of Marvel books. I found it in Marvels Project #5. The only thing is some people don't scan the non-comics pages these days so finding a c2c (cover to cover) scan was trickier. It's a neat costume and even nicer story that goes along with it.


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