Heroic Age huh?

Jan 30, 2010 00:31

So Marvel posted a new "Heroic Age" promo image recently which is supposed to bring in a more hopeful and optimistic Marvel Universe (with silencers and arrows and uzis!). I have to say in general, the dark storylines are intense and provide a lot of constant change and conflict, but without any let up or end in sight, it can be a little tiring as a reader. And I'm only a recent dabbler, so I can only imagine what it's like for a longtime readers.

Initially the talk has been the lineup, both good and bad. Even if we go with the idea of this as a general teaser "Class of Marvel 2010" rather than the new Avengers lineup, it's pretty damning and not terribly inclusive.

I do like that they've included a little of everyone, hero-wise. This lineup feels a little column a and b as far as the teams in the Marvel Universe at large -- some classic Avengers, one from X-men, one from Agents of Atlas, and one from Fantastic Four. It's very Marvel Universe: House of Representatives.

I admit I like seeing the classic Avengers lineup back together. I'm curious how they'll work together, since there are hatchets to be buried so deep only Namor could found them. (And he would.)

The bad: Where are the other women? And the for the Marvel's vaunted and hyped Year of the Woman, only Natasha rates inclusion? I know she's in the movie of the summer, but please! Why am I suddenly fearing for Jessica, Carol, and Bobbi? I can see Luke & Jessica taking time off for family reasons given they've spent most of their marriage and raising their child in virtual hiding. But still only one girl in the nine person group? No minorities? Beast and Gorilla Man and Thing do not count remotely.

And then there's the speculation that's started as to who is under the costumes. At first glance it looks like Clint is taking back his Hawkeye mantle after it was soiled by Bullseye, although that leaves poor Kate Bishop back to square one again. But is it him? Robot6 suggested the awful possibility of James taking the Hawkeye name if Clint buys it at the end of Siege. And there's some credence to Clint being a victim. Clint acted very rashly in "The List", so they could be setting up for his fall, although why bring him and Bobbi back & reunite them if this is the endgame? I could see them going off and starting a new West Coast team or her supposed spy network. I like the latter myself, but I'm always up for more wacky spy adventures and love and super heroes. See exhibit a: Bucky & Natasha. (Who I wouldn't mind being on a team together, but I can see why it wouldn't work. Natasha looks way too young here.)

But Steve wants Bucky as Cap. Steve himself doesn't want to be Cap, so taking over his partner's costume is just beyond strange, unless they want to continue the idea Steve is dead. Does the populace at large know he's alive? I loathe the idea of Bucky stuck in this cosmic loop of not having his own identity, just legacying off someone else. The artwork almost suggests that scary possibility, since Bucky's bionic arm is the same one. However the arm was recently upgraded to a more human one by Nick Fury. (Nice to see Bucky & Fury working together again too! I missed their interactions from the earlier issues of Captain America.)

And then I found this forum discussion with some useful pictures of Hawkeye from his "House of M" era days with a similar purple arm setup. I'm guessing it's to protect his arm when he pulls the bow back. Not sure what I think about him going to that costume, since "House of M" hardly qualifies as the hopeful & optimistic storyline, unless you're Wanda! But this reassures the Bucky fangirl some. Priorities, y'know?

Then for some reason, I looked at Iron Man's new armor with all his extra sideplates and for a minute thought he was holding a tablet under his arm. And suddenly picturing a) Tony completely rethinking/retooling specs when they came out ("As is" and "out of the box specs" probably don't mean anything to him) b) Tony being the Steve Jobs of the Marvel Universe complete with tech conferences/announcements.

My silly side is back, therefore, my cosmic equilibrium has been restored.

iron man, captain america

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