A full weekend indeed

Jun 04, 2006 23:16

Friday I went to dinner with confettiofstars. She continues to try to woo me over to the dark side of World of Warcraft, but I'm resisting. We adjourned to my place to write a little. We picked characters we both knew and then I suggested crossing them over. I wound up with a short Firefly snippet featuring Jayne and Inara. I never really thought about their ( Read more... )

local, x-men, firefly, comic books

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Comments 4

marag June 5 2006, 10:15:18 UTC
No comment on Nightwing. Just...::sigh::

Very good to meet you and I hope you can come to further events. I'm sorry we didn't do proper introductions. If it helps, going around the table, on the left next to you was pleasance (Asha), greenygal (Carmen), Cousin Drew, Avi, me, mscongeniality> (Jill), <lj user=, kiarda (Kerrie), Nate, kitchendinah (Sarah). And the person who left before dinner was chaos_pockets :)

kitchendinah and I were talking about a similar thing for Superman Returns in July.


marag June 5 2006, 10:16:08 UTC
Narf, I can't type this early in the AM. Obviously, that was MsCongeniality, aka Jill.


mscongeniality June 5 2006, 12:24:41 UTC
I seem to recall sitting between you and heatherly.


marag June 5 2006, 12:56:42 UTC
What did I say about me typing early in the morning? ::sigh:: Yes, you sat between me and Hly. Oy. You'd think I would *know* not to try and be coherent before I've had a shower.


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