Need to get the hang of blogging~

Oct 05, 2010 02:07

I admit. I seriously do not know what to update this LJ with. Fandom sure does not need me anymore lol.

So as I sit in front of my laptop, thinking hard about this.......Looking back at my LJ entries, which also made me realised that I have quite a number of locked/unposted entries XD  brought back memories of how my life in LJ started
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Comments 9

catskilt October 5 2010, 03:44:41 UTC
Hi, Wid! Glad to hear that you're doing so well :)

I just finished a short working stint at The Body Shop as part of its Brands and Values team, lol. I'll be going to the States for about six months next year to complete my degree, then I'm coming back for full-time entry into the working world!


w_ryoku October 5 2010, 04:46:53 UTC
GEM!! It is super nice to hear from you!

Bodyshop? So do you get free stuff? LOL
Only 6 months to complete your degree? That's fast yo~ Wait..When are you leaving? O_O Babe...lets meet up if there's still time??


catskilt October 5 2010, 05:40:15 UTC
Yes, I got a number of free/discounted stuff, lol XD

Haha, I should have said it more clearly: 6 months for my final semester! I've been studying for 2 years. And I'll be leaving in early January next year!


aishahsun October 5 2010, 04:14:55 UTC
BOO! if you don't remember me i will whack you! HAHAHAHAHAHAH. & BNS seems so long ago omg. IT WAS LIKE WHEN I JUST STARTED FANDOM. =.= i kinda miss how things used to be, even in fandom, it used to be so easy, unlike now, so much hatred hurhur.


w_ryoku October 5 2010, 04:51:46 UTC
Why would I not remember you :P

IKR...BNS was like the catalyst of my fandom (prolly coz there were most Singaporeans lol)
Yup, all those are wonderful memories despite the "hiccups" in fandom haha...
But hey what hatred? O_O
There's such thing now? TELL ME!


nichiya October 5 2010, 04:38:05 UTC
it's always nice to see you back in LJ, coz i know how busy you are lol, 3 days in SG i only see you for couple of hours xDD i will be back in late January hope to hang out with you more xD it's weekend so you have no excuse xDD

oh u start subbing? i can't watch at work, will check on it later. i started a fansub too, though i can only do timing and typesetting. subbing is fun xDD


w_ryoku October 5 2010, 04:54:43 UTC
Thanks dear! Im really sorry abt that man huhu...OH jan?? ......when? Coz one of the wkends I'll be out of Sg! But as of now, the dates are not confirm yet (>_<)

No lah....that subbing work was done in 2006 yo! Via BNS. It was released in Jan 2007! hahaa....i did mention I was reminiscing yes? So I was looking through my very first (&only subbing) project lmao. Know something funny...when I agreed to sub that video, my Japanese was barely 2-3 months! sasuga jyan! hahahahahah


daelite October 5 2010, 12:04:57 UTC
I dunno what to say~ been through I guess three jobs since you left but I think you know most of my story XD

I think the worst thing that can happen when people "leave" fandom is when they delete their journals/blogs. Deleting all their icons, translations, fanfic, subs, scans... whatever it may be, I just feel it's really sad that they want to destroy everything they had so much fun doing for years so that nothing is left... :(


snowy_yuki October 5 2010, 14:12:28 UTC
I still work at the same place!! it's not so fair!! LOL
but anyway .. still same thing from me tho ..


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