Need to get the hang of blogging~

Oct 05, 2010 02:07

I admit. I seriously do not know what to update this LJ with. Fandom sure does not need me anymore lol.

So as I sit in front of my laptop, thinking hard about this.......Looking back at my LJ entries, which also made me realised that I have quite a number of locked/unposted entries XD  brought back memories of how my life in LJ started

I even forgot most of the LJ codes/html whatsoever D:

That point of time, fangirls were all active (or forced to be active lol) in forums. I have to thank bakanosekai, abaka, jdorama & prettyboy forums (if I got the forums' names right that is) for the start of my fandom & for the birth of this LJ account.

It started out as a tool to update about a fangirl's life.Soon after, this LJ turned out to be updates FOR fangirls' XDI don't know how it happened. But it did.

Anyway, I have decided to start with reminiscing my "LJ-life" in order for me to get the hang of blogging again...
Let us look back at my very first attempt to sub a video : INORI by KisumaiThis subbing project was done in 2006!!
Don't ask me why my first subbing work is not NEWS-related :P
Released by bakanosekai in January 2007. Wow..3yrs flies just like that! Anyway enjoy...I still love this song ♥

I wanted the HQ version so I can check whether my subs are correct but I can't find any. *shrugs*

Random...Sometime ago, a few people ask me where & how I get to update on fandoms as soon as it came up...My answer: I've no idea lol.
I admit, once in a while, I felt slightly pressured to have to provide those updates, but I never once see it as a chore.
At the end of the day, if you are doing what you love, you will enjoy it no matter what.

Im actually posting this in relation to newshfan. It is always sad to see a huge fangirl leaves fandom especially someone who had been active since bakanosekai period.
But I guess she left because subbing has become a chore for her & she starts seeing fandom/fangirls as something that gets on her nerves. Well, probably.

On another note, I have been busy with RL.One of which is related to what I used to do; teach.

Before I end, I would like to know what are you guys doing now in RL? I read a few LJs and I see some of you have started working. Care to share?

embeded: video, random: updates

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