Apr 27, 2009 03:32

Shoutout: queenofalldorks* Why didn't you tell me you change your username?? *pokes pokes*

Wassup' everyone?!!

Another random entry to prove that I'm alive.
Super busy period again (>_<)
Nowadays I cannot go online as much as I used to so whenever I can, then I will reply to comments and most importantly, reply on YOUR entries!

Random mentions

Massu immediately said "Uchi~" like its the most natural thing to say when he was asked who is the same age as he is. Its a switch from not-being-able-to-say-anything-about-Uchi na~

Massu replied "Shige", when he was asked "Who in NEWS are you close to?"

When K-taro asked who in NEWS will he date, giving Massu 3 choices: A)Koyama B)Shige C)Tegoshi..Massu answered Shige again. While both YokoHina said Tegoshi XD

TOMA on SCP is loved!! It is not as emo and you can so feel his sincerity and maturity and his love for Yamapi, Matsujun and "No Borders" though he didn't mention them in detail XD

NEWS on MS..totally did not expect those white costumes. What is Johnnys trying to pull with Puzzle & NEWS current image I dont know but I am not complaining 8D

#1 Attended a prestigious event at Goodwood Park Hotel a few nights ago.
Goodwood Park Hotel probably has the best food so far in my list of hotel food. Ok so its a 5-star hotel but still~ The meat, the seafood, dessert.....SO DAMN GOOD! Too bad that day I didn't quite manage to indulge myself with their dessert lol.

I know I am not tall but standing beside this Brazilian model hurts my ego a bit haha~
I will prolly need 6.5" shoes the next time I go for such events but my feet will die!! D:

WANT.THIS. *a guest's car and I took a picture of it*

#2 Wants MC parts of Concerts only!!

So almost every NEWS fans had flailed over the DVD that comes along with the new single and is praying for the full DVD to be out.
I'm not against DVD release but can I have more MCs in that upcoming release please?

While we are at it, I don't think I have ever posted these before...
The 31st Dec Concert was not very memorable so only posting these:
My seats for the Osaka Concerts.

And if you girls remembered in one of my concert report entry...the French fanguys that I met at the concert. Here's a video of them:

Nice people though but they so love the attention and it doesn't help that we keep bumping into them =.=

And, I want to try posting one entry a day. You know, like those Japanese blogs. A pic and a random short post of the day type. Doubt I can even commit on that lol but I want to try! xD

I need to catch up with Arashi and dramas too (>_<)


men-ai: shigemassu, group: news, real-life, men-ai: massuchi, pictures: concerts, random: real-life

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