Nightmares finally reflecting reality

May 09, 2005 01:43

A couple of years ago I observed that I used to have the stressed-out-about-school kind of nightmares back in high school, when I wasn't anxious about school at all, and didn't seem to be having them any more once I got to college and actually did start stressing about school. Apparently that's no longer the case, 'cause I had one a couple nights ( Read more... )

2005.05, dream, school

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vvvexation May 9 2005, 08:44:51 UTC
The thing that weirds me out the most about my dreams is the themes that recur in them for no discernible reason. Like, I keep having dreams that take place in playgrounds and amusement parks, and sometimes waterslide parks. No clue why.


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vvvexation May 10 2005, 02:23:33 UTC
Ooh, yeah. A large percentage of my dreams take place in various messed-up versions of my grandmother's house.


mactavish May 9 2005, 14:39:08 UTC
I did that -- not attending classes, losing track of deadlines even when I could handle the work -- for a couple of semesters in a row at Cal, and they finally got tired and asked me to go do it elsewhere. :/ I had no clue how to take advantage of either mental health or academic counseling resources while there and didn't go look. I wish I had. (I think the former was sorely lacking at the time, I'm not sure about the latter.)

I hope your graduation plans aren't horked, but if they are, it's only one more semester to have to yank it together for, right? I've been there, I know how overwhelming it is. I managed to get halfway into my junior year. If I'd held it together for the year I fell apart, I'd have graduated in only one semester after that.


vvvexation May 10 2005, 02:22:24 UTC
So far it seems they're probably not horked, which is very good because I don't think I can afford one more semester.


jen92373 May 9 2005, 16:48:14 UTC
This is what I do: in my palm pilot (a cheap paper planner will work also) I input all the tests, projects, papers and other things of note from the sylibus on the first day of class. I even set alarms (although making a note of it a day or two ahead in the planner will work too). That way I always know what's comming up, and don't miss anything. That is how I've managed to go to two schools and work all at the same time. Well, that and no social life.


vvvexation May 10 2005, 02:21:57 UTC
It's not a question of missing deadlines for assignments, it's more a question of administrative deadlines--like, thinking I have till the eighth week to drop a class and then finding out I actually needed to do it by the fifth week, kind of thing. Much harder to keep track of.


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