Nightmares finally reflecting reality

May 09, 2005 01:43

A couple of years ago I observed that I used to have the stressed-out-about-school kind of nightmares back in high school, when I wasn't anxious about school at all, and didn't seem to be having them any more once I got to college and actually did start stressing about school. Apparently that's no longer the case, 'cause I had one a couple nights ago.

I dreamed that I was enrolled this semester in the geometry class I actually took last semester, and although I'd been getting by and doing the work without attending classes, I suddenly realized that I still had to take the final to pass the class, which it hadn't occurred to me to plan on. In the dream, in fact, finals week had already started (in reality it doesn't start for another few days) and I realized with sudden horror that the geometry final might have already happened; next thing I knew, I was frantically searching for the exam schedule, but I think I woke up shortly after.

Annoyingly, there's a little too much of reality in this dream. I do in fact have classes that I haven't been attending but haven't dropped either (I was planning to, but some messed-up stuff happened 'round about the drop deadline) and have resigned myself to accepting NPs in, and I also have a couple of classes in which I'm frantically rushing to finish the work, and I'm worried I may have missed some deadlines that I thought were much later, which may in fact interfere with my graduating this term. It just seems to me that I'm stressed enough without my subconscious twisting that stress around and tricking me into thinking there are still other things to be worried about.

2005.05, dream, school

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