Tournament Revived!!! (Thinking Mod approved since it's on BB)

Oct 28, 2007 00:17

UPDATED: 11/20/07
I understand it's tedious and some information may sound repetitive but PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ ALL THE FOLLOWING THINGS BELOW!! It's very important that you do since there have been many things updated and added! Currently still doing major brainstorming of things with tips from my own dear brother Chrno (well the mun~ =>W<=;;)~ soo keep up-to-date and I'll keep posting new things~ Thank you everyone for your patience and cooperation~!!


Note: ♥ will symbolize what sections have been updated according to stated date above (this will be in effect for any updates after 11/5/07. Thank you.).

Registerations Closed: Come back next time~<3
Registrations has officially ended on Nov. 6 (@11:59pm US Eastern time) but click link above to learn how you can still participate even after this deadline.

ATTENTION MUNS ON HIATUS: If you were really interested in participating and the dates that I have set forth do not work in your favor please, e-mail me at or IM (AIM) me at Pluuuuuuue and we'll talk~<33 I plan to have everything start on Nov 10th, 2007, if not a couple days after.

Total Participant Count: 23

Important dates/events list:
-Nov. 6 (@11:59pm US Eastern time) (registeration deadline)
-Nov. 8 (Poll voting ends)
-Opponents confirmation phase
-Start date Nov. 20~

Hello everyone. It's been quite hectic around here with many people leaving and whatnot and I've noticed that many of you were involved in the tournament that was supposed to take place. Sooo I figured besides the Halloween event that would surely bring people together, I've decided to take Haruko's place and have the tournament. Now, I'm pretty sure it's not going to be the same exact way as he had it but I have a few ideas that may turn out interesting.

General overview of how the tournament is going to work:
I noticed that it was going to be in pairs but I think I will have a mixture of singles and pairs, in an elimination process very similar to the tournaments held in Dragon Ball's Tenkaiichi Budoukai style. The participant can quit whenever he/she wants to by stating "I forfeit/quit" and death would be the ultimate way to win (this is the part that's different from DB since they normally fight on a square platform and whomever falls off of it is disqualified unless~ although it's not to say that there hasn't been any death during the tournaments =^^=;;;). If someone wants to be a commentator for the event~ hey I'm all for that too.

How pairings and opponents will be chosen:
As of right now, I'm planning to only have one type of battle, which is a mixture between pairs and singles. It was suggested that I split it but what I was thinking was people could team up in pairs if their characters are too weak and go up against a stronger single opponent. It is everyone's tournament after all and I find it that it is only fair if you guys get to choose who you want to fight during the first round. We were all accepted into vortexx as being IC so I think everyone will know exactly what their character is capable of and what pairing is fair, etc. So look at everyone's characteristics and choose who you'd want to/you'd think would be interesting to fight. As long as the other side agrees, we'll pair you guys up to fight against each other. Whoever does not chose an opponent will be paired up by me and a final list will be posted to allow the muns to make comments and state any disagreements amongst the participants.

Please take a look at the traits list of each participant HERE

Opponents listings and discussion

**Please also keep note that any severe injuries (deep cuts, loss of limbs, brain damage, etc.) will be kept in the next round if your characters are moving onto further rounds. Thank you.

Pertaining to Rewards:
Votes have officially ended on Nov.8th, so get your voting on!!!
The reward for this tournament will be the Jewels!! Thank you all for voting!

Current votes stand as follows:
-A servant for the day (Fiore (which she has agreed to do)): 3
(having a servant for the day is just as stated, you will get Fiore for the whole day. She's good at mostly anything and can even be a personal body guard~<33333 Love to Fi~
-Special jewels that Fiore makes: 7
(will need mod permission for anything unique besides it being used as an enhancer. The one idea (this one would definitely need mod permission) I've flung around often was making a jewel that keeps a person dead unless it's removed from them physically but it could basically be anything you want.)
-Others: 0

And also, due to this new system (refer to how winners are chosen section below for further details), I will only use Chrno's horns as bait for the tournament for Aion's own plot usage. Please use it as a motive for people to join the tournament if you wish~ =>W<=.

Chrno's horns give you the ability to freeze your opponent's time, gives you fast speed, and strength...however, the person with the horns suffers from hearing, what Joshua calls, "noises." Now "noises" are similar to hearing the inner thoughts of a person close by and they are usually negative. It's like hearing multiple voices in your head which can often lead to a mental instability, throwing one into a berserk state at times (unless there is a limiter who is, what do you know~, Fiore). If anyone is still interested in them, please e-mail me at or IM (AIM) me at Pluuuuuuue and I will make proper adjustments for it. (and if chosen, I'll put up a picture and explain how they are placed on one's head when the time comes).

How winners will be chosen:
Now what is always a concern to me when it comes to tournaments is determining who is going to win and lose. As of right now, winners will be chosen according to the roll of a dice (through AIM's chat features and I will allow whoever wants to enter and sit in on the day I will be drawing winners. Of course, a mun is also more than welcomed to forfeit and chose to lose if they wish to do so but again, that can be stated once everyone knows who they want to/or are going to face. In case other wise, each mun will be asked to choose a number between 2 through 12 and whoever gets the closest will be the winner (in cases where they are both close we'll just roll again). To make sure that I am not being biased and making up the numbers, I will have one other person sit in the chat with me (most likely I'll ask a mod to sit in) as well as save that log into a word doc for everyone to see.) This is to reassure that winners are chosen fairly and according to who wins and loses, the muns could talk it out to determine how one would win a battle and so forth.

♥ Drawings will be done once everyone has agreed to pairings

As for the further rounds we will just keep this dice method going until the ultimate winner is chosen.

Pertaining to the format of how this will work:
As far as the format will go, it'll look something like this:

and so each pairing (meaning whomever is facing each other) will be in a separate log of their own and Aion will come around to each one to watch what is going on. Each log will be started by me so that all the comments will spam come to my inbox and no one elses. This is to both ensure that I can edit anything pertaining to the title of the log and to close it once everyone is finished. So all participants are required to click on the pin symbol at the top to keep track of their own log.

Spectators can also come in to see and comment to each other as the pair fights. Similar to Yomi's ball the fighting pair will keep commenting to each other in this fashion in one thread.

reply to comment

reply to comment

reply to comment

as for the spectators will make separate threads to talk to one another to comment on the fight or chit chat on the side if they wish.

Rules that will apply to whomever will partake in the event:

Rules for Fighters:

-No attacking spectators
-Be descriptive so that your opponent knows what you are doing as well as I (and descriptive does not necessarily mean long. If you wish to do short volleys back and forth, please feel free to do so.). If something is unclear, you may be asked to rewrite it.
-Keep each other posted and aware to who's turn it is so that it runs smoothly.
-Any severe injuries (deep cuts, loss of limbs, brain damage, etc.) will be carried over into the next fight if your characters are moving onto further rounds. If you are unsure what is considered a severe injury, please feel free to contact me.

Rules for Spectators:

-No insulting/bashing of fighters without the permission from the mun. (commenting on a battle and purely bad mouthing a fighter are two different things. Make sure you know the difference before commenting.)
-No interfering with the battles
-No attacking fighters
-No distractions (eg: flashing/seducing/blowing kisses/etc.) without the permission from that mun.
-Cheering/and side chit chat is encouraged.
-Side plotting is fine as well as long as it doesn't again, violate anything above.

Rules for muns in general:

-Try to keep up with the log and let the other know you've posted.
-Please be committed to finishing the logs, even if it has to be done quickly.
-Please fighters stay in order that has been pre-determined in the beginning.
-Any logs lasting too long (For example, your's being the last battle before the next round can start after such and such time, you will be asked to wrap it up no matter where you are. **This only applies if you have NOT spoken to me ahead of time and has NOT set conditions with me as to what is going on. Feel free to ask if you are not sure what I mean by this.)
-If you fail to post after given that warning via AIM, e-mail, etc, Aion will step in and state something on the lines of "they have forfeited", etc. If you were the winner for that round and we run into this problem, your opponent will be allowed to take your place as the winner. If you both wish to forfeit, adjustments will be made at that point (I really hope to avoid this).
-Be friendly and open-minded to your fellow RPer.
-Interactions with one another is highly encouraged to exchange ideas!!! That's why I had ppl leave their contact info~~<333
-Please do not make "ooc spam" posts for these logs. You may add an ooc within your comment but don't solely dedicate a comment for oocs. This is to ensure that things are kept organized and neat.
-Follow directions as to where to post, if not sure please ask.

**Any rules violated will receive an e-mail from myself, stating a warning as well as a deletion of the post you have made. Numerous violations will result in reporting to the mods. I highly doubt this will happen (I hope) but if it does actions will be taken accordingly.

***Credit:Ideas adopted and modified from the one used in Paradisa by our lovely Chrno-mun <3 Much thanks!!

Further ideas being thrown around:
As of right now, the further idea I had was allowing the participants to chose 'where' they would like to fight. If you and your opponent will benefit from fighting in water, you're more than welcomed to do so. Sand is your thing? Great~ just let me know when the time comes that I ask each pair where they'd like to fight and why. Maybe you want to place them in an area where they would have disadvantages~. Up to you guys, however, BOTH sides MUST agree to it before I approve it. The default land if the pair does not decide, will be on plain land (I'm thinking on the small island on the map surrounded by water, OooOOO exciting~<3 LOLOL)

As for Aion's motives, he's throwing the tournament so that he can observe everyone's abilities here in vortexx and plan accordingly so that he is prepared against his enemies. Yay? =>W<=

Sooo yeaa sorry it's long but all my ideas are out there. Nothing is set to stone as of yet so feel free to share more ideas and so forth. Please don't hesitate to comment if you have any questions, comments, objections *strikes a pose*, better or more ideas, just sending love, etc~ =>W<=;;;; Throw them at me here~<3333 I'm open to anything~ =^W^= I figured this way you'd all get to throw around ideas on how you want to fight and you could make anything up you know? Have draws, make rivals, become friends, etc~ have more deaths =OWO=;;; =>W<=;;; Whatever floats your boat. I just think it gives everyone an opportunity to become more creative that's all~ let those juices flow~ LOLOL

Again, I highly encourage people to be creative~ and let your muses shine. Remember, I'm also doing this for you guys~ so be active and let your voices be heard so that things are fair and fun for everyone~<333(all I ask is that it's kept appropriate and that you act maturely).

Again as a reminder~ EVERYONE is welcomed as spectators to the event so don't think that you have to fight in order to interact~~~!

Please be patient with me as this is the first time that I've ever attempted to do something like this. Thank you to everyone willing to participate in this event~<333

Love you all~ and thanks for reading and sharing ideas!! =~_^=

Contact info:
IM (AIM): Pluuuuuuue

(Aion/Shuuichi/Tamaki/Kitazawa Y/Kurogane/Oscar/Anissina/Jezebel-mun)

approved, tournaments, cancelled

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