Tournament Notice~~

Nov 14, 2007 12:59

Hey guys. I know this has been dragging out a bit but I still haven't received any notice as to what some muns are doing (also I apologize for being quite busy myself). I know some of you are on hiatus and some had external issues with their computers but I haven't heard from the rest. Please let me know what you're doing so that I can team you up with someone else, who's in a similar situation as you.

To update me as well, muns who have already told me their status, if you could comment here or e-mail me (if you do not wish to state it here) and give me an update as to where you are/what you're doing, that would be great~!

Now to business. Due to not knowing what everyone is doing, I've went ahead and randomly paired (names thrown in box and pulled out) everyone up, who have said they didn't care who they pair up with or haven't stated anything.

Tournament opponents list:

-Viral vs. Kamina
-Ulquiorra vs. Ichigo
-Greed vs. Envy
-Natsuo vs. Al Elric
-Pride!ed & Hisoka vs. Endurance
-Negaduck vs. Anise
-Mia vs. Kurogane
-Chrno vs. Sakura (CCS)
-Magnius vs. Albel
-Adiane vs. Yuuko


Will challenge next round unless there is a new challenger: Jack frost & Wrath

**Possible switch up:
(option one):
-Negaduck vs. Albel
-Jack frost & Wrath vs. Magnius
-awaiting challenger: Anise

(option two):
-Negaduck vs. Albel
-Jack frost & Wrath vs. Mia
-Magnius vs. Greed
-Kurogane vs. Envy
-awaiting challenger: Anise

(option three; depending on Mia-mun):
-Negaduck vs. Albel
-Jack frost & Wrath vs. Kurogane
-Magnius vs. Greed
-Mia vs. Envy
-awaiting challenger: Anise

(option four):
-Greed vs Jack frost & Wrath
-awaiting challenger: Envy

(option five; depending on Mia-mun/Envy-mun):
-Negaduck vs. Albel
-Jack frost & Wrath vs. Greed
-Magnius vs. Kurogane
-Mia vs. Envy
-awaiting challenger: Anise

Hiatus status for following muns (as far as I know):

-Ichigo (Nov. 16 till 26th)
-Abel (weird semi)
-Ulquiorra and viral (Nov. 16-19th)
-Mia (16th may be on semi?)
-Chrno (Hiatus (unknown length))
-Frost/Negaduck (semi/will try to reply as much as she can)
-Anise/Envy (steady semi?)
-Greed (steady semi)
-Kamina (semi hiatus due to sickness)

If something is in accurate above let me know and I'll fix it. Thanks.

Please comment and let me know if any of the fights seem unfair. State why and discuss them here. Also, if you have any personal concerns, please let me know via e-mail ( or via AIM (Pluuuuuuue).

***Know that if I do switch your character with another, its not necessarily because the mun has any personal issues with you or anything. I'm doing the best I can to accommodate everyone's needs so for example, if you're a mun on hiatus and the mun you're fighting wants to be able to post continuously, I'll be pairing you up with another mun on hiatus so that you guys could go at your own pace and the other mun will be able to freely carry on with their fight. Things like that.

Once everyone agrees that these pairings are ok, I will also randomly place the fighting pair on that chart that's similar to the one on Dragon ball and show you guys, alright? Again, I'll just put names in a box and pull them out.

Thanks guys~<3333 As for myself, I'm still slowly replying to logs (stressed out from school) and I do apologize but I promise to keep this tournament moving along so please please get the word around and let each other know that this post is up~! =>W<=;;;b y/y?

- Link to main tournament post

- Participant Traits list for reference

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