Title - First Law of Thermodynamics 13/?
Fandom - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters - Azula
Genre - Gen
Rating - K
Disclaimer - I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, any of it's characters or settings, and I am not profiting in anyway from this.
Azula looks on the Northern Water Tribe for the first time and knows, doesn't just suspect, that the tactics she'd used in the Earth Kingdom won't work for her here.
The place is just too small for her to wander around nameless for the most part. So she requests an audience with the chief and tells him the tragic tale of Polu.
The next day there is a small feast in her honor; the little lost koala-sheep finally returning to the flock.
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Next Writer's Note - You'll hear the story she tells eventually. And sorry for the erratic updates. I'm up to 20 but I want to stay ahead of you guys.