Title - First Law of Thermodynamics 6/?
Fandom - Avatar: The Last Airbender
Characters - Azula
Genre - Gen
Rating - K
Disclaimer - I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, any of it's characters or settings, and I am not profiting in anyway from this.
A year passes and they've already split.
The Firelord and his consort stay behind while Aang takes Sokka and Katara back home. As son of the chief and the only native Waterbender they've a responsibility to their tribe Aang can't ask them to abandon.
Toph, understanding of what it's like to be alone, blatantly ignores any mentions of her own home.
She and Aang settle at the Southern Air Temple. The secret of Aang's loss, of the possible end of the Avatar, is being kept from the world and they cannot afford to travel the globe and risk accidentally revealing it.
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