Title: Trust
Series | Arc: Love Letters | none
Age | Sequence: 83 | 1
Author: von_gelmini
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Theta/Koschei
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 482
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who. I am not writing this for profit.
Trust... )
Comments 14
Poor Koschei. You really have captured all of Koschei's ferocity and his strong feelings of possession and love for his Theta. All he wants is for his Theta to be with him, but he also wants him to know that he loves him with both his hearts. This moved me to tears, Koschei really poured his hearts out to his Theta, telling him he didn't want to lose him again.
This was so well written, and so poignant and so very beautiful. I felt so sad for Koschei. He definitely needs lots of comforting hugs and loving from his Theta. He is just as much of a passionate soul as Theta is, but his personality differs in a way that he can only express himself with that strong ferocity. But that's just Koschei, and I love him the way he is. Thanks again for another amazing update with our boys, kind sir. I really loved this very much. *hugs*
Worlds will quake. People will know our names in fear and in triumph.
Boy, that sent chills down my spine knowing what we now know.
Yep, gotta throw a bit of the foreshadowing into the mix. :)
"I will make it right for us." If only. As usual you have melted and broken my heart in the same letter!
icon by wicked_visions
So sweet, and not sad (the "can't say" part) because he is willing to put it into writing.
*sighing still*
I've postulated that the whole reason the Master is so obsessed with the Doctor is because he loves him so much and because the Doctor was the one who left him. He basically has never gotten over that betrayal and it's what's caused the enmity between them. Basically, the Doctor is responsible for all the destruction & death the Master caused because he left him and if he'd stayed then the Master would've never done all that. It makes perfect sense... from the Master's perspective anyway *g*... and to some extent from the Doctor's too, at least Ten's what with his massive guilt complex.
Anyway.....it WAS all his fault.
Oh and the Doctor's whole reaction to Jack makes me want to just slap him senseless.
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