I never really understood Magic Town when I was 10, but there were many awesome things in that expansion pack. The dragons. <33 They always set my houses in flames. xD
And you should! Both Sims 2 and 3 are really fun to play. :3
Yeah, I played Sims 1 when I was 9 or 10, and I just loved making my sims ride the amusement park rides. XD And oh gosh, the dragons, yeah. <3 Sims 1 actually had so much awesome stuff they never included in S2 or 3.
I might sometime soon. C: The only things is I'd have to torrent it since a) I gave away my Sims 2 discs in a period when I thought I'd never play again DX and b) my PC's cd drive is broken, haha. Since EA has already gotten so much money out of me, I don't really feel bad about it, but I'm worried I won't be able to install it properly.
I loved the amusement park rides as well. All the time. And I had a sort of chair that renewed all their needs, and hoppa, there they went again. xD I really miss some of their objects.. sadly there's no really a way to convert objects from TS1 to TS2, because it went from 2D to 3D.. oh well.
And installing the torrents is quite easy. My cd drive doesn't accept cd's anymore, too, so I torrented everything as well, despite having almost all dics. It feels like such a waste of money. xD But everything went fine, so I don't think you'll run into problems. :3
Wááh! Awesome, awesome! Laat ik nu toch net de laatste tijd helemaal into de muziek zijn van Makin´ Magic! Vét gaaf, voleste! Heb je dat echt zelf gemaakt enzo!? =D
Ongelooflijk wreed! Zal wel veel moeite hebben gekost inderdaad. Wou dat ik zo goed was met het maken van dat soort dingen. Komt zeker een hoop van technisch gepruts aan te pas? Ik zou 'm ook wel in mijn spel willen! Het zou te gek zijn als je 'm uploadde! =O Maar als je de buurt liever voor jezelf wilt houden, snap ik dat ook wel. =)
Het is vooral goed opletten hoe het bouwsel van Sims 1 in elkaar zit.. omdat je dat maar van vier hoeken kunt bekijken, en niet eens van vier rechte hoeken. Dat is echt superirritant, ik heb die deuren minstens vier keer fout geplaatst. xD
En zodra ik de lots klaar heb, worden ze zeker geüpload! Sharing is caring :3
Comments 17
And you should! Both Sims 2 and 3 are really fun to play. :3
I might sometime soon. C: The only things is I'd have to torrent it since a) I gave away my Sims 2 discs in a period when I thought I'd never play again DX and b) my PC's cd drive is broken, haha. Since EA has already gotten so much money out of me, I don't really feel bad about it, but I'm worried I won't be able to install it properly.
And installing the torrents is quite easy. My cd drive doesn't accept cd's anymore, too, so I torrented everything as well, despite having almost all dics. It feels like such a waste of money. xD But everything went fine, so I don't think you'll run into problems. :3
Ja, ik heb het zelfgemaakt. Het kostte me een paar uurtjes, maar ik ben er wel redelijk tevreden mee. :3
Xx Ilse
En zodra ik de lots klaar heb, worden ze zeker geüpload! Sharing is caring :3
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