Вт, 10:43: RT @ robertspeker: Sydmar Lodge Care Home residents and carers have been recreating classic album covers. The home has now been in lockdown…
Ср, 09:08: RT @ RheumAdvisor: Individuals with #psoriasis are at a 5 fold higher risk for other immune-mediated inflammatory diseases compared with the…
Вс, 11:10: RT @ GarvanInstitute: Teriparatide is a bone building agent which can improve bone density, reduce vertebral and non-hip fractures. #bonebio…
Вс, 21:10: RT @ Osteoporosis_NL: Incidence of fractures among patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Jin S et al. Osteoporos Int 15 Mar 2018. https://t.c…
Чт, 22:20: RT @ DrAdamRiva: #Orthopedics doctors: What are your thoughts on starting osteoporosis medications prior to joint replacement? Forteo vs. bi…