
Nov 30, 2007 15:07

so I came back from Bangkok, and that was fine. I went to Denver (did a 5K, Thanksgivinged, planned for Terminus), and that was fine. I got back late, when straight to a work party, and promptly broke my right upper arm... while arm wrestling a coworker. I am awesome.

grody details )


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Comments 18

smilie117 November 30 2007, 20:33:12 UTC
Plate and screws! Man that coworker better be feeling bad :p and am a bit amazed at how he managed to break your arm to cause that many pieces just from arm wrestling. eeks!


thegreycoin November 30 2007, 20:57:46 UTC
omg! D: you poor thing!

my boss broke her arm in a similar way a couple of summers ago... got the plate, the big scar, etceteras. she recently got the plate taken back out again because it had shifted, and i think she got to keep it! haha. so maybe at the end of this you'll even have a souvenir plate.

anyway, i hope everything goes well!! ::hugs::


vlamidala December 6 2007, 16:08:55 UTC
ooh! I was hoping I'd get the bone chip, but I bet they put it back. :-p much as I'd like a souvenir, I'd be okay with no more upper arm surgery. I don't like having a busted wing! I do have a big stack of X-rays that I'm scanning at the first poosible moment. :-D


nmalfoy November 30 2007, 20:57:54 UTC
Who were you arm wrestling? Andre the Giant? *hugs* Take good care of yourself! Ouch!!


vlamidala December 6 2007, 16:11:48 UTC
skinny 6'something computer geek! there's a picture from a moment before I started winning and broke myself, and I can totally see why my arm didn't like it -- he could push down as well as side-to-side. :-p


praetorianguard November 30 2007, 21:33:28 UTC
Awesome. You are as badass as a martial artist. *\o/*

What you Ls do when they're bored? In other words, should we send you anything, ho, or are you going to spend all your time on the internet and your blackberry? ;)


vlamidala December 6 2007, 16:13:37 UTC
so far the answer has been "music and fantasize about all the things we'll do once we can do them." :-p I suspect it'll wind up being, like, reading and stuff like that.


lessthanpie November 30 2007, 21:36:00 UTC
Oh, no! Your poor arm!

I feel too much like crap myself right now to come up with anything silly, but I'll see what I can do later. :D I hope it all goes well and feel better soon.


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