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Comments 5

estrella30 August 29 2012, 17:29:02 UTC
#4 and/or #12!


vixalicious August 29 2012, 17:44:50 UTC
4 - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
Oddly enough, 1D is the first fandom I've been in where I will read ANY pairing.
Bandom: Jon/Spencer, Ryan/Brendon. As you can imagine, this limited my reading options. I don't know if that qualifies though because I didn't really WANT to like them.

Ooo, I know! Trek reboot, Kirk/McCoy! It ought to work, because Chris Pine/Karl Urban = Yum, but it doesn't, it skeeves me out!

12 - Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request. What do you ask for?
Oooh, crud. Okay, don't judge me, but I love mpreg. It is my guilty, guilty pleasure. I don't know why. Or kidfic with adopted children, made-families, that sort of thing. So probably something along those lines that was long and h/c-ish that I could roll around in for days and that ends with everyone in love and happy.


mrsquizzical August 30 2012, 21:44:56 UTC
19! :D


vixalicious September 4 2012, 01:47:20 UTC
19 - Show us an example of your personal headcanon.

Oh, jeez. I don't know that I have that many thinky thoughts about my current fandom. They're puppies and sunshine! Um, probably the closest that I could come is this. Everyone (including 1D) refer to Liam as Daddy Direction, because he's 'responsible' (inasmuch as a 19 year old boy can be) but if he's the band dad, Louis is the band mom. And I don't mean that in a tinhatt-y gender-role way. Louis is the emotional center of that band in a lot of ways, and he pays attention to who's up and who's down (inasmuch as a 20 year old boy can.) And a lot can be said for the guy who's making everyone else laugh and goof off while the eyes of a good portion of the world are on them; I think it might just add a bit to their actual longevity.


mrsquizzical September 4 2012, 06:44:44 UTC
aww that's sweet. and it's funny to think that i only had to peek at some pics to check i had the right guys in mind for each name. aaah fandom osmosis! <3


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