Busy weekend!

Apr 21, 2008 22:02

I had Friday off as a comp day, due to all the travelling around I've been doing, so I decided to use it to paint my living room/upstairs hallway. Photos of what it looked like before are here. I painted for about five hours and then went off and played tennis for an hour and a half, then came back and painted from 9pm to 3am. I kept thinking, I ( Read more... )

love:love, i heart my family, retail therapy, medical, the state of me, adventures in home-owning, diy, click!, come on feel the noise

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Comments 11

aecamadi April 22 2008, 04:43:49 UTC
Oooh Tristan Prettyman. She's awesome.

Your house looks great! Excellent work!


vixalicious April 22 2008, 16:24:05 UTC
She was really great in concert - at the end, someone bought her a shot of tequila and she got all giggly and couldn't sing her song, it was hilarious!

And thank you! I can't wait to get it all put back together!


aecamadi April 22 2008, 16:59:41 UTC
I have a recording of her covering Britney Spears's "Toxic" and dissolving into laughter on a couple of occasions. She's just cute.

We'll get after pictures when it's all done-done? And you're not covering your sofa, right? The contrast really makes the room.


vixalicious April 22 2008, 17:57:13 UTC
Oh, no, the red definitely stays! I have both the sofa and an ottoman in that shade, and I love it! I'm sort of trying to do a Spanish-influenced look on that floor. And definitely there will be pictures once it's all put back together!


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vixalicious April 22 2008, 16:25:26 UTC
Thanks! I really like it - I'd put up test areas and lived with it for a month or so to be sure it was the right color. You should give it a whirl, it's like a whole new house!


shirecreature April 22 2008, 13:19:47 UTC
Cape Cod must be really nice this time of year, enjoy! And you did a helluva job painting, it looks great!


vixalicious April 22 2008, 16:26:24 UTC

Cape Cod's a bit cold - to me at least :D But it is pretty. I was going to go see Plymouth Rock, but I looked online and they've got it shut down for renovations. (maybe they're making it bigger? IDK)


shirecreature April 22 2008, 19:46:07 UTC
How do you shut down a rock? :)
Hey there's a bit about Supernatural on OHNOTHEYDIDN'T, you have to scroll back a page or two.


vixalicious April 22 2008, 19:50:06 UTC
Maybe they covered it with paper? ;)


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vixalicious April 22 2008, 16:27:08 UTC
Thank you! I am having fun with it :D I can't wait to get the rug and get all my furniture back in place!


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