Busy weekend!

Apr 21, 2008 22:02

I had Friday off as a comp day, due to all the travelling around I've been doing, so I decided to use it to paint my living room/upstairs hallway. Photos of what it looked like before are here. I painted for about five hours and then went off and played tennis for an hour and a half, then came back and painted from 9pm to 3am. I kept thinking, I'm so close, I'll just finish it. I got it done, but eesh, was I tired the next day! And also, so so sore. The tennis alone probably would have done me in, but combined with 10 hours of painting, and my carpal tunnel flaring up, and moving around just was not fun.

But the room looks gorgeous! Pictures are here - the faceplates and stuff are still off, and I've moved almost all the furniture out of the room, but you get the idea.

On Saturday, I bought the area rug I've had my eye on for months for this room, and I pick it up this coming Saturday, so once I have the room more together I'll do another set of photos!

Also on Saturday, I saw Tristan Prettyman at Eddie's Attic - she's really great, check her out on myspace.

On Sunday, I flew to Boston, as my site this week is on Cape Cod, and got to have dinner with my brother and his wife, so I am a happy camper this week! :D Hope you're all doing well!

love:love, i heart my family, retail therapy, medical, the state of me, adventures in home-owning, diy, click!, come on feel the noise

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