Thanks so much to everyone who has responded to the
call for programming suggestions post I made almost two weeks ago. We have another week before the April 10th deadline to suggest vidshows and panels and volunteer to run them. (See my
original post for details
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Comments 24
I don't remember if there was a vidshow like this in recent years, but a "Pimp My Fandom" show - like, universe/recruiter vids for smaller or little-known fandoms - might be cool.
And I like the idea of a recruiter show for smaller fandoms. (Vidshow without SGA or BtVS vids! The mind boggles!) It does raise the question of how to define both "small" and "fandom"; could such a definition include shows that are well-known but seldom vidded, like Homicide? What about movies, which (aside from LotR and Serenity and possibly Pirates of the Caribbean) don't usually have fandoms per se?
OTHER COMMUNITIES: vids from communities outside what VVC attendees might think of as the vidding mainstream, that show different aesthetic values. Farscape, La Femme Nikita, Xena, and the huge world of anime vidding all evolved their own vidding styles independently of what we've been doing for 30 years. It'd be cool to see what else is out there, too.
GOLDEN OLDIES: classic vids to classic fandoms (Star Trek TOS, S&H, Pros, anything pre-digital)
ENSEMBLE VIDS: celebrating group dynamics
META VIDS: vids that comment on a show, on fandom, or on vidding
I hope there are enough meta vids to make a show. If there aren't now, I happen to know there will be at least one more for next year's con. (:
Relatedly --
MY FIRST VID: A collection of the first vids made by today's BNVs.
Yes, there are BNVs. And you're one of them. Oh, you are so. Shuddup. Take it like a man. :p
Ooh, I like that, though there's obvious potential for disaster when it comes to agreeing on who to include.
What about first vid and most recent vid? I just went through a massive downloading spree over at heres_luck's, and it was really fascinating--and, I think, instructional--to watch her vidding evolve over time.
I like the first/most recent idea, too, but I'm more keen on a showcase: a single vidder, selections from her entire body of work in chronological order. Maybe paired with a panel where she talks about her evolution from vid to vid.
We've talked about doing this in the past, but so far it hasn't happened. Hmmm...
And I do like the idea of including other vids not by the vidder -- such as the first vid she saw, or that made her want to vid, or that significantly influenced her style or a particular vid.
Panel suggestion: Genre and audience. How do vidders cue viewers as to what sort of vid they're watching (analytical, emotional, mood piece, ensemble, narrative, etc.), even or maybe especially when the vid is doing more than one of those things? What cues to viewers look for to help them make sense of what they're seeing?
::re-reads comment before posting::
Um. Possibly this was written by an English major. ::facepalm::
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