Title: The Heroes Bride (7/?)
Characters/Pairings: Overall, Peter, Claude, Bennet, Adam, Mohinder, Sylar; In this chapter Peter, Adam, Elle, and more!. Oh, I'm excited.
Summary: My version of The Princess Bride, with assorted Heroes characters, centering on Plaude. In this chapter: unconscious!Peter, Adam, Elle, Matt, Mohinder, Niki, and Thompson
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Comments 81
Very glad to see this back!
Glad to have it back out! I felt so guilty ignoring it.
Well, you've been writing Reaper so-- There's nothing to be guilty about.
Well, for you...but I don't know how much all the other very nice people who seem to enjoy this would also enjoy the Reaper stuff.
And Thompson is a great choice. Different dynamic, but he's so deliciously creepy.
I know, isn't he? It was a difficult choice to make, but...well, he fits as a kind of assy leader, so...in he went.
I'm glad you're enjoying it! Thanks for reading.
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*grins* My sentiments exactly.
Thanks for reading! Glad you enjoyed it.
You're very sneaky. I totally thought Vezzini was going to be Bennet. Though Thompson is much eviler. Poor Niki--Thompson cooties. Does Mohinder have the same arranagement, do you think?
I love Elle and her hats. I think it needs to be repeated.
Aww, but then I'd have to kill Bennet! And I couldn't do that! But he will show up. Later. *snickers* I will neither confirm nor deny whether Mohinder has the same arrangement.
I actually kind of love it too. And all thanks to you, that I even put it in.
Thanks for reading!
Is he Miracle Noah? Because that would be awesome. But any sort of Bennet is awesome. And of course Moho has the same arrangement. Thompson seduced him with promises of funding.
Yay! Elle needs to wear more hats on the show now.
Well...mebbe ;). Oh, of course...but that's not quite what Thompson is offering, though...
She'd probably be able to pull them off.
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