Title: The Heroes Bride (7/?)
Characters/Pairings: Overall, Peter, Claude, Bennet, Adam, Mohinder, Sylar; In this chapter Peter, Adam, Elle, and more!. Oh, I'm excited.
Summary: My version of The Princess Bride, with assorted Heroes characters, centering on Plaude. In this chapter: unconscious!Peter, Adam, Elle, Matt, Mohinder, Niki, and Thompson
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Very glad to see this back!
Glad to have it back out! I felt so guilty ignoring it.
Well, you've been writing Reaper so-- There's nothing to be guilty about.
Well, for you...but I don't know how much all the other very nice people who seem to enjoy this would also enjoy the Reaper stuff.
But you love Reaper so-- That's all the matters.
I do, yes. But I also love this. I love a lot of things. Which is why I am so easily distracted.
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