Unimaginably Worse Than Expected

Sep 22, 2007 15:53

Fandom: CSI: NY
Title: Unimaginably Worse Than Expected
Author: Liv darkmagic_luvr
Pairing/Characters: Danny Messer/Kaile Maka
Prompt: Fight
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t own the characters of CSI:NY, but please ask before you use any of my OC’s.
Authors Note: Written for iluvroadrunner6 who wanted a fight fic with Danny/Maka. I’ve really neglected them in this series. This is basically the beginning of their breakup.

Danny run his hand over his tired face as he unlocked Kaile’s apartment door. She’d given him a key for the night because she’d said she might be working late. Danny didn’t think anything of it. If she was working late, there was no reason he shouldn’t have gone for a drink, right? So he’d gone for a drink or two, and happened to meet the new kid there. What’s her face? Montana or Monroe or something like that.

The new kid could drink, that was for sure. Danny smirked a bit and pushed open Kaile’s door, walking over the thresh hold and stopping suddenly. Kaile was sitting at her dinner table, her hands folded in front of her.

"Hey," said Danny in surprise. "I thought you were working late."

"I did work late," said Kaile softly. "It’s one o’clock in the morning, Danny," Danny looked at his watch and swore softly. It really was one in the morning.

"I guess I lost track of time," he said with a shrug. "When did you get here?"

"Couple hours ago. Made dinner, called Flack. Which is funny, because he said he hadn’t seen you all day."

"I wasn’t with Flack."

"Where you drinking by yourself?"

"What?" asked Danny, slightly confused.

"You smell like liquor and perfume. I was just wondering who you were drinking with."

"This isn’t going to turn into something nasty, is it?" muttered Danny, crossing his arms over his chest and giving Kaile a look. She shrugged and slid out of her chair and hoping onto the table, so she was eye level with him.

"Why would it turn nasty?"

"Because you think I was with a girl."

"Where you?" Kaile asked bitterly, her tone catching Danny by surprise.

"Monroe. The girl who replaced Aiden."

"You went drinking with Aid’s replacement?" asked Kaile, rising an eyebrow. "Why would you do that? Why would you consider that?"

"Are you fighting with me about who I hang out with?"

"Yeah, Messer," said Kaile looking at him with a ‘that-took-you-long-enough’ expression on her face. "It’s common sense. Burn’s gonna kick your ass."

"She’s not going to care."

"A few people are going to care-"

"Care like you do?" asked Danny, his voice rising over her’s. "You seem a bit jealous to me."

"I’m your girlfriend, I think I’ll allowed to be a little jealous."

"Well, stop. Because Montana-"

"You gave her a nick name?" asked Kaile sounding hurt. "This is unimaginably worse than I was expecting."

Danny didn’t say anything to that, just kept staring at her as she turned on her heel and walked into her bedroom, leaving Danny standing there alone.

character_kaile maka, tag_iluvroadrunner6, character_danny messer, requests, pairing_danny messer / kaile maka

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