Title: Racing Against the Clock
virdantLength: 100 words; drabble; super-short
Rating: G
Genre: Crack
Pairing: None
Summary: Time is ticking, ticking, ticking, in one second intervals, and Jaejoong’s eyes dart around frantically as he desperately searches for the last mine.
Warning: None.
Notes: I have discovered that some things are just addicting... and that means ficcage.
Racing Against the Clock
He’s racing against the clock.
Time is ticking, ticking, ticking, in one second intervals, and Jaejoong’s eyes dart around frantically as he desperately searches for the last mine.
He doesn’t want to die.
Fingers twitching spasmodically, he forces himself to think: practically, logically, reasonably… like Changmin, with his genius and ability to survive such situations.
“What’re you doing, hyung?”
Jaejoong shrieks and presses down on the mouse. Changmin frowns at the screen, eyes mismatched. Jaejoong whimpers as the dots-for-eyes on the yellow smiley face turn into x’s.
“Hyung,” Changmin says slowly, “Are you trying to beat my minesweeper record again?”
Okay, yeah, minesweeper's addicting... and it utterly sucks when you are unable to beat your records... but considering how out of practice I am, I am not surprised that I haven't beaten a record in several months.
On a completely unrelated note, I am amazingly sucessful at persuading my friends to join my fandoms.
Edit: On a related note, there is no deep symbolic meaning behind the mines; thank you for thinking my crack drabbles so deep and meaningful,