
Jul 30, 2012 12:57

I am occasionally not dead. Despite my complete and utter failing as a BM mod. v_v FML, I suck ( Read more... )

rambling, real life

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Comments 6

breyzyyin July 30 2012, 22:32:57 UTC
Instead of graduating this winter with my Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing, I think I'm going to graduate next spring instead, with an addition BA in History, so that's kind of exciting but also terrifying. And then, next fall, the plan is to start grad school for Library Science! Holy crap I'm almost an adult, what the fuck.~That's really neat! Good luck with everything! *waves support banner ( ... )


sunflower_mynah July 30 2012, 23:50:56 UTC
I'm guessing that's the reason why I've had absolutely zero motivation to do anything ffland-related, which is not cool.

IKR. /flump

I haven't had the energy to even really do tallying this week; part of it is feeling the mod obligations stack on again and various other frustrations, but part of it is me really getting into board gaming, which means long, exhausting Arkham Horror sessions. XD

ETA: And while I'm a neutral mod, I'm also part of Black Mage, and I have to confess the fact that I haven't had the chance to be excited over a new Black Mage member for insanely long now hasn't exactly helped, so I imagine it's worse for you.


virago_queen July 31 2012, 01:57:22 UTC
Landcomms are just time-consuming, and that's great when you're really into the fandom, but when you get bored and want to do other stuff, it becomes something of a pain in the ass. =/

That probably is part of it -- we just have the same people, all the time, and they know how this stuff works, so there's not a whole lot of impetus for me to remember to do reminders, and it's always the same group of us in discussion posts, plus maybe one or two Soldiers/Dragoons...

Not to mention I have like a two-day window (Tuesday-Wednesday) do reminders, and if I miss it, I'd be butting into the other alliance reminders' scheduled times, so it's really easy to forget.


sunflower_mynah July 31 2012, 02:12:59 UTC
Yeah. I like the community, but... /sigh

It's kind of like, with the new members, it's awkward posting a 'hello everyone new!' in AL because their own team communities have done that, and they've chatted in their alliances and all. Then we try to post more random memes up and get resounding silence. IDK, I'm starting to worry if I'm screwing up. (Shh, my insecurities, I know. <.<)

And yeah, same people, all the time. I'm in this constant state of CAN I HAVE A NEW BM PLEASE - I keep getting excited over new members and then they go to other communities (this is cool, esp. with the teams that are really hurting for members) but I'd like to see a new face in our team. You realise we haven't had an active newbie since Nal? D:


virago_queen July 31 2012, 02:43:11 UTC
*hug* I'm sure it's not your fault! Maybe people just didn't feel comfortable with the fuck/marry/cliff game? I dunno.

I knoooooow. It sucks. And then I feel bad for wanting new members, because we already have so many compared to a lot of the other teams, but...new blood would be so great right now.


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