Long story short - We've been looking at foreclosed houses, hoping to find one that was right for us. Dad is willing to help with repairs. Lalala, off to view a home. Sad, it is too small. Agent says there is a home just down the street as well. We go look. HOLY CRAP PERFECT. Lovely home, huge yard, and the worst work is going to be re-plumbing
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Just wanted to say that I'm not dead, I just haven't been spending much time online. Anybody who needs to talk to me can text me at 256-613-0328. You could call, too, but I probably wouldn't answer. Sorry, heh. I hate talking on the phone and usually don't answer numbers I don't recognize.
So, it's that time of the month. As I've mentioned before, that means that I'm in pain, irritable, angry, suicidal, etc. just...absolutely a mess, really. This time hasn't been any different...until now
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