Big Bang 2010

Aug 13, 2010 00:16

It's finally here!

My Big Bang art post:

Author: kitsune13
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~21,500
Warnings/Spoilers: Set vaguely post-season 5, but very much seasons 1 and 2 in spirit - this is totally old-school casefile Wincest, baby.
Summary: Love happens, and you have to go where it goes.

Scenes(contain slight spoilers for the story)


click them to get the bigger versions


King Street today

bed and breakfast

She-crab soup

St. Mary's

Circular Church

Huguenot Church

St. Phillip's

St. Michael's graveyard

Unitarian graveyard

sweetgrass baskets

scene after they leave the house

alternative picture for this scene

the doctor

the end

click them to get the bigger versions



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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
everything else can be found in my resource post

Three days ago I had the first virus on my laptop. Of course that had to happen when I still had to code this entry and finish the wallpapers *rollseyes*
Yesterday photobucket decided that they won't let me upload anything unless I use the bulk uploader even for single files.

Apart from these smaller problems participating was real fun. kitsune13 wrote an awesome story and when I saw the summary for the art claim I immediately wanted it. Now I want to visit Charleston after looking at all these pretty pictures online though.

Thank you kitsune13 for the amazing story and being so patient with me when all on my mind was university.
Also a big thank you to wendy and thehighwaywoman for organizing this challenge which is probably not the easiest thing to do ;)

graphics: art for fanfiction, graphics: challenge, graphics: wallpaper, graphics: supernatural

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