Big Bang 2010

Aug 13, 2010 00:16

It's finally here!

My Big Bang art post:

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graphics: art for fanfiction, graphics: challenge, graphics: wallpaper, graphics: supernatural

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Comments 34

padabee August 13 2010, 15:10:24 UTC
Awesome work, honey!
And eek, virus o.O


violateraindrop August 13 2010, 15:15:37 UTC
Vielen Dank :)
Das war so ein komisches Ding was sich als Virenprogramm getarnt hat und alles blockiert hat, weil ich angeblich Viren hätte -.-


thruterryseyes August 14 2010, 13:30:42 UTC
I love the black and white posters! Very Moody and intriguing.


violateraindrop August 14 2010, 13:41:21 UTC
Thank you very much :)


familiardevil August 14 2010, 13:32:59 UTC
These are GORGEOUS. Good lord! I love the black and white banners of them. The way you combined their images is perfect.

May I ask what font you used in the works? It's so pretty!


violateraindrop August 14 2010, 13:41:01 UTC
Thank you.
Actually it's a screencap from "Crossroad Blues" ;)

Font is called "Jellyka, Saint-Andrew's Queen" and can be found a dafont.


familiardevil August 14 2010, 13:54:50 UTC
Thank you! I just like the way you textured it in the second banner *g* It's really very nice.

And thank you so much!


dayadhvam_triad August 14 2010, 18:38:13 UTC
I just wanted to say, your art is gorgeous. I love the banners, and how the images of Sam and Dean seamlessly transition into the city. :D

also dying of laughter at Snape as the doctor Ryngo XDDD


violateraindrop August 14 2010, 20:27:19 UTC
Thank you very much :)

When I read the story for the first time that's just how I pictured him and kitsune13 agreed with me :D


hime2emeh August 15 2010, 04:46:12 UTC
love the scene addition to the story. makes it more real :)

but somehow, i think my favorite is the divider. there's just something about the bloodied key that grab attention. no hair tho :p


violateraindrop August 15 2010, 08:13:50 UTC
I tried to find one with hair, but that obviously didn't work. Then I thought that figuratively speaking there is blood on the key.

Thank you :)


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