
Sep 23, 2009 09:56

+ Remember when I said I made a mini Emmy picspam.

I lied.


celebrities: michael emerson, nerdiness: picspam

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Comments 20

starfoozle September 23 2009, 19:14:34 UTC
Cutest. Ever. *endless grinning*


vinyamar September 24 2009, 00:53:59 UTC

So much love for Michael. He couldn't be more awesome.

I say all us Ben stans roadtrip to NY after Lost to catch him on Broadway - if he does return to it like he says he will.


starfoozle September 24 2009, 01:15:53 UTC

Oh, that's the best plan ever. I love New York. I love Broadway. I really, really love Emerson. Combined, the awesomeness could be too much to handle. :D


arcadiaego September 24 2009, 00:56:37 UTC
I really can't understand why the Michael stans on LJ slag Carrie off so much. They're always on about how they should split up and how she's a bitch who's too interested in her own career (i.e. interested in it at all, how dare she), when it's clear that not only are they a great couple but she's very very happy for his success. In fact, when Terry got the Emmy a couple of years back she was beaming her head off so she's happy for other people's success too!


vinyamar September 24 2009, 01:10:04 UTC
Honestly, I don't get it. I think it's fantastic that they are able to spend so much time apart when filming but are still so amazingly in love. And that they've been married for 10 years and look like a newlywed couple - they're just so in love and it's so cute.

Is it all jealousy? Do people really think if he was off the market they could have him? Or is it something more? All I've seen of Carrie is fantastic adorableness and love for Michael, and vice versa. They're one of the best celebrity couples out there. I don't understand the hate. I love seeing Michael so smiley and happy with her.


arcadiaego September 24 2009, 01:20:17 UTC
I honestly don't know. They paint it as concern for him; that she doesn't care about him enough or something, but he was the one that took the job in Hawaii. Some people keep saying they think he's gay or that the marriage is unhappy in some other way because they don't have kids (the thought that some people might not *want* kids doesn't seem to occur.) Others hate her because she once said she doesn't like it when fans come up and corner Michael for a conversation, ignoring her when she's sat right there, which is fair enough, because that must be really awkward for her.

It happens with all fandoms, in my experience. People hate on the wife/girlfriend etc, which is something I've never understood. I love to see people I love looking happy, so I try not to say bad things about people, even if I don't actually like them very much. I don't know the true story behind people's relationships after all.


vinyamar September 24 2009, 03:15:49 UTC
Last I checked, he didn't seem unhappy. Urgh - I hate that people hate on relationships like that. I once read a comment that people think he's unhealthily obsessed with Carrie. I just don't get it.

I agree it must be awkward when fans do that, she has every right to not like it so much. Especially because I bet 90% of people who corner him say something about him being creepy (I hate, HATE that everybody calls him creepy).

I agree - we don't know the full story. Overall I think people are just jealous, they want to live in a world where they have a chance with their favorite celebrity. And that seems, in some way, sick to me :S But oh well.


phantomsangel September 24 2009, 04:05:12 UTC
This is a wonderfully epic pic spam! Seeing pictures of Michael at the Emmys just warms my heart so much!

I want a picture of Michael and Terry to pop up. There has to be one!


beanpop November 9 2009, 01:45:06 UTC
I enjoy the same fandoms and ship the same characters and I am interested in reading your journal! So I'm friending you :)


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