+ Remember when I said I made a mini Emmy picspam.
I lied.
Carrie and Michael - stop being so damn cute and lovable.
DAMN RIGHT I FOUND STEVE CARELL. I like to think that he's thinking "Damn, that's one bad ass mother fucker right there. Bitch wears a Hugo Boss tuxedo like it's his job. I might leave my wife for him and we can run away to an island together~"
I LOVE THE LOST FAMILY ♥ standing up for Michael. And Damon, Carlton, and J.J are all so immersed in his speech. Michael truly melts people with his words - you can't help but listen to every one. Because he's so intense like when he talks.
I just wish we could have seen more of Michael, Jorge, Terry, etc. posing together. More pictures are bound to pop up though.