The Foreboding Sense of Impending Happiness (Chapter 4)

Apr 29, 2010 23:54

 Disclaimer: I do not own or know anyone from HIM personally. The only person I own in this story, is Grace.
Rating: As of now is PG-13
Summary: Fan meets Valo, Valo likes. :P
Author: MissSixty-Nine (moi!)
Title: The Foreboding Sense of Impending Happiness
Ville's Love Interest: Grace Augustine

When I got off the plane in New York, I was nervous, sick to my stomach from the withdrawals and experiencing major jet-lag. Ville met me at the gate, a grin on his face.

"It's so good to see you!" He said, wrapping his arms around me. He held me tightly, like I was his lifeline in a sea of turmoil and doubt. Ville was my lifeline and I held onto him just as tight.

"You, too, Ville." I whispered, tears in my eyes. "Thank you for this. I can't believe I'm here."

Ville pulled away, smiling at me with a soft, quiet expression on his face. "I can't believe it either. I don't know what it is about you, but I adore you. I love being around you." I smiled brightly at him and he patted my back. "Come now, we'll go see Mizee and Linssi." I nodded and followed after him, ignoring the looks we got as we passed through the airport. Ville wasn't yet famous in New York, but he was known. And those who knew him, obviously disapproved of me. I didn't care. Ville approved, and that was all I needed. We strolled through the airport, hand in hand, hearts seemingly beating as one. I couldn't breathe correctly. My previous self was taking over and I was starting to appreciate the fact that I was holding hands with Ville Valo and being towed through the airport by him. He was on a mission. A mission I was included in.

A warm feeling passed through me and I inhaled slowly, eyes closing momentarily. This was heaven, I was complete again. I took a deep breath, laughing quietly as I let it out. Life could not get better. Once we made it into the grey light of early morning in New York City, Ville hailed a cab, cursing when one sped past us. My eyes scanned the horizon, thirsty for the new sights of New York. I was in shock at the gritty landscape but my mouth hung open in a smile, labeling me as a tourist to anyone who passed. When Ville finally managed to stop a cab, I was already planning what sites I would see while in New York. Surely I would have time to see the Empire State Building…and Macy's? And Coney Island? Ville tugged at my hand, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ready?" He asked, lips half-lifted in a smile. I nodded and followed him into the cab, aching for a drink. It had been twelve hours since my last drink. I was breaking into a cold sweat as I sat next to Ville and watched the world swish by like a movie. "You all right?"

I looked to him, licking my lips. "Yeah, fine. Just…nervous." That was the best way I could think of to describe my current situation. "I'll be okay once I get to my hotel room." I looked away from him again, reaching for his hand. I laced our fingers and lifted his hand to my lips, kissing it gently before resting my cheek against his knuckles. A few moments later, his thumb brushed my cheek.

"What's wrong, Grace?" He turned my face to his and I smiled at him.

"Nothing's wrong. Just feeling bold." He laughed and I squeezed his hand. "I'm great, Ville." I let go of his hand a moment later, pushing my hair out of my face. "Can we make a stop? I want to take a shower." Ville nodded and I patted his hand. "Thank you."


I was to be in the room just down from Ville's at the W Hotel in the city. Once we slid out of the yellow taxi, Ville led me upstairs, hand on the small of my back the entire time. I had shivers running through my body from the intensity of the withdrawals. I held tightly to the bag I carried, knuckles white on the straps. He didn’t seem to notice my uneasiness, thank God. It would have been very awkward to try and explain my condition. I hurried into the room once he unlocked the door, tossing my bag on the bed and rushing to the bathroom. I slammed the door and made it to the toilet just in time.

When I finished throwing up, I was shaking so violently that I was afraid I was going to chip one of my teeth. I washed my face and got into the shower, the tremors subsiding as the warm water sluiced over my goosebump-riddled skin. When I emerged from the bathroom, Ville was sitting on the bed, watching TV and drinking a beer. I thanked God for small miracles and slid onto the bed next to him, taking the beer gently from his hand. I didn’t care that I was sitting next to him in only a towel, I just needed a drink, even if it was weak. I took a gulp and closed my eyes, happy that my shaking wasn’t so bad anymore.

"Thank you." I said before sliding off the bed again. Ville watched me for a moment before speaking.

"You’re welcome, sweetheart. How was your shower?" His eyes were burning into me and I was afraid to look over my shoulder. I felt rather than heard him get off the bed and move behind me, standing only feet away. "You look pale, Grace."

Now I did look over my shoulder, bottom lip caught between my teeth for a moment before I looked up to meet his eyes. "Flying makes me nervous." I whispered, hands tightening on the towel tucked between my breasts. Our eyes stayed locked for what seemed a very long time before I looked away, rummaging through the bag I’d brought with me to New York.

I could hear him breathing behind me and I was beginning to shake again. Ville Valo was behind me, only inches away from me and I was half naked. I was sure that all I had to do was drop the towel and he would touch me like I’d dreamed of for years. But, I pulled out my clothes and moved away from him, my skin brushing his very lightly as I passed him. When I made it to the bathroom, Ville was still standing in the same place, eyes cast downward and one hand clenched into a fist. I wasn’t sure if he was angry or sad. He looked somewhere between the two.

It was an hour or so before I emerged from the bathroom again, long hair straightened and make up carefully applied to hide the dark circles under my eyes from lack of sleep. When I came out, I cleared my throat, smiling at Ville. He lifted his head from the magazine he was reading and grinned.

"Good, you’re ready. I just got a call from Linssi; they want us to hurry so they can get the album finished and then go to the pub." I was ecstatic to hear that word, pub. I couldn’t wait.

"Great. Just let me put my shoes on." I shoved my feet into a pair of worn-out Vans and smiled at him, grabbing my jacket and purse. "I’m ready when you are." I couldn’t believe how calm and collected I was. I was jonesing for a drink and in the presence of the lead singer of my favorite band. My heart was continuously thundering in my chest and my breath was rarely stable in Ville’s presence. Maybe someday I’d get over the fact that he was a megarockstar and realize he was a human just like me.

I laughed at that. Ville wasn’t human. He was a god and I was a mere mortal, one whose luck had changed. I had been granted an audience with the earthly equivalent of Zeus and I was fairing pretty well. If only I could stay in his good graces…

Ville put his hand on my back again, reminding me that I was still in his good graces and causing a shiver to ripple through my body. I could swear I heard him chuckle as we stepped onto the elevator and I blushed a deep crimson. I wished my body would stop doing that.

  ( Chapter 3 )
( Chapter 2 )
( Chapter 1 )

pg 13, ville valo, misssixty-nine, chapter 4, foreboding sense of impending happiness

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