The Foreboding Sense of Impending Happiness (Chapter 2)

Apr 28, 2010 13:31

Disclaimer: I do not own or know anyone from HIM personally. The only person I own in this story, is Grace ♥
Rating: As of now is PG
Summary: Fan meets Valo, Valo likes. :P
Author: MissSixty-Nine (moi!)
Title: The Foreboding Sense of Impending Happiness
Ville's Love Interest: Grace Augustine

The next time HIM toured North America, I went to the same venue and stood in the front row, but closer to Ville. I was seventeen now and had filled out considerably, my shirts fit better and my jeans as well. My foot size hadn't changed so I wore the same broken-in Converse that I had worn years before. I was shaking with anticipation. When HIM came on I was transported back to that first concert two years prior. I was jumping up and down, waving as the guys stalked to their instruments. The only thing missing was Ville. Moments later, the crowd erupted into girlish screams as Ville sauntered onstage, wearing an Iggy and the Stooges tee with jeans and a pair of Converse nearly identical to mine. I was right in front of him as he grabbed the microphone and I grinned, letting out a loud yell of happiness. He saw me, grinned, and started singing along with the music the rest of the band was playing.

After the concert was finished, my ears were ringing loudly and my hair was sticking to my neck and forehead in strings soaked with sweat. I couldn't feel my lips or hear myself think. All I remember is going to the back of the venue, grinning when I saw Ville signing autographs. "Ville!" I heard myself shouting, laughing when he looked up at me. A grin lit his face and I hurried to him, breath escaping in a gush as he pulled me into a hug.

"I knew I'd see you. But I had no idea you were going to be front row!" I laughed as he spoke and hugged him back, grinning at the thought of all the fangirls around the two of us, not knowing what was going on.

"I had to be close, I couldn't just let some other girl steal your attention." I couldn't believe I was forming a coherent thought, let alone talking in complete sentences with Ville and joking with him. Next thing I knew, I was being pulled away from the crowd of girls, Ville chattering in my ear.

"How did you like the show? Were we good? Could you understand what I was saying? I wanted to talk to you but I was afraid you'd be mobbed." I could barely separate the words from one another; they were being spoken at the speed of light.

"The show was amazing, you guys were great, and I couldn't understand anything you were saying." I laughed, hoping I had covered everything he'd asked. "Don't talk so fast." I said, wanting to stop walking so we could just look at each other. "Where are you taking me? Are you kidnapping me to take me back to Finland?"

Ville stopped walking suddenly and looked at me, both hands on my shoulders as he bent to look into my eyes. "We are going to stuff you into the baggage compartment and take you with us on the rest of the tour." He saw how my eyes lit up and laughed, shaking his head. "You Americans."

"What? You think I'm American?" I asked, laughing loudly. I pulled away from him, grinning like a fool, eyes watering with the intensity of the laughter wracking my body.

He just watched, one eyebrow raised as the rest of the fans looked on in confusion. "You're not American?"

I shook my head, wiping the tears off my cheeks. "No way. I'm Finnish through and through. My parents are immigrants to the States. You're the first person to call me an American." He smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Well, it seems like you and I have quite a bit in common. Do you speak Finnish?" I shook my head at his question and he sighed, shaking his head as well. "Too bad." I shrugged and he put his arm around my shoulders again, pulling me with him toward the tour bus. "You should meet the rest of the band."

My heart nearly stopped at his words. I had to choke out my next words. "Meet the band?" Ville nodded, shouting in Finnish to someone on the bus. He was asking them if they were decent. A reply was shouted back and he pushed me forward, causing me to stumble up the steps of the bus.

"Migé, Linssi, Gas, Burton, this is Grace." Ville said, grinning at the members of HIM. My eyes were wide and my knees were shaking. This couldn't be real! I couldn't be standing within feet of my favorite band, looking like an idiot in my worn-out jeans and Converse. They all lifted their hands in hello before asking Ville a number of questions about me. He answered each one in turn. "She's seventeen, she's Finnish and she loves us."

I couldn't think straight. I pinched myself over and over again, expecting to wake up. But nothing happened; I was still standing in the middle of a quintet of frenzied Finns who were just coming down from their performance high. "You were splendid." I heard myself saying, eyes wide as saucers. "Much, much better than the last time I saw you." The guys grinned at this and I couldn't help but grin back. "Like a fine wine, as I say. It gets better with age."

Ville slapped me on the back gently at this comment. "She knows how to tickle my heartstrings." I still couldn't believe this was happening. I couldn't believe that I was conscious and on HIM's tour bus…with HIM. I had to take a deep breath to keep myself sane. "Sit down, Grace. I'll get you something to drink. Want a brewsky or a shot?"

I looked up at Ville, eyebrow raising in confusion. "I'm only seventeen, Ville. I can't drink yet." Ville frowned at me, not liking this admission. "Sorry, mate. It's the law Stateside." Ville nodded solemnly and shrugged, going for a beer.

"Well, shit." He popped it open and took a drink, sitting down next to me. "So, Grace, tell us about you."

It went on like that for hours. When HIM's bus finally departed, I wasn't on it, telling Ville that as much as I would love to accompany them to the next stop, I had school and work and I couldn't skip out on them. He had agreed and hugged me once before escorting me to the gate of the backstage area. "Until we meet again," he had said, saluting drunkenly. I had laughed and saluted back, grinning as I turned and hurried across the empty street to where my car was parked.

That night when I got into my small compact car, I had stared at my hands, seeing all the drawings Ville had left on them. Heartagrams, cosmic popes and other strange, indecipherable glyphs adorned my pale skin and I wished that I could keep them there forever, to remind me of the one lucky night I had with Ville. I also had a phone number to call in case I wanted to talk to him. This was a number most girls (and some guys) would kill for. I treasured it and locked it away in my cell phone and wrote it down and shoved it in my wallet so I wouldn't lose it. This was turning into the most surreal moment of my life and I was afraid that it was going to end all too soon.

( Chapter 1 )

pg 13, ville valo, misssixty-nine, chapter 2, foreboding sense of impending happiness

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