I used to waste my time dreaming of being alive...24/?

Jul 21, 2009 17:50

Excruciating pain. Unbearable pain. Ripping through my body, the agony made me double over as he kicked me in the ribs again.

Oh, of course it was a male.

Only a male would have the strength, the will, to inflict pain like that on a person in such a primitive way.
It wasn’t only physical wounds that I was suffering from.
The things he was saying...it ( Read more... )

abuse, violence, ryden, joncer

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Comments 21

marty_rox July 21 2009, 11:03:07 UTC

i've missed this :(

the attacker..is..i have no words.. :'(
what he said was horrifying D: D:
ihatehimmmmmmmm :'C
Oh, of course it was a male.

Only a male would have the strength, the will, to inflict pain like that on a person in such a primitive way.
loved this :'C
i love your writing.

can't wait for moarrr bb ♥


viktoriavampyr July 22 2009, 03:04:27 UTC
aww, did you?

thank you my lovely :)
♥ ily2


fantasylandx3 July 21 2009, 12:45:02 UTC
oh wow, that was really good. i love this story and i missed it like everyone else. the ending had me choked up-i don't cry much at stories, ever-so don't take that the wrong way haha. take that the RIGHT way... i was close.

write moreeeee<3 xx


viktoriavampyr July 22 2009, 03:06:19 UTC
thank you. I almost re-wrote this chapter, I'd already done it once. ALMOST.

thank you hun, ily:)


i_sell_rainbows July 21 2009, 13:16:52 UTC
Update !!
These chapters are much too short ! I crave mooooore.. xD
This was gruesome; all the pain, fear, hurt.. You capture it brilliantly..
Who's the attacker ? :O He's CRUEL..


viktoriavampyr July 22 2009, 03:10:46 UTC
I'M SORRY!!! *shcrieks*
I try to make them longer, but by then almost two weeks has passed and I go, 'nyeaaah' and try to finish in as decent a time as possible. But I do try.

I don't even know how I managed to write that...?
Gar. Someone may have some answers...


i_sell_rainbows July 22 2009, 23:18:47 UTC
Well, that's okay then.. i just sit here and I've read the chapter in like 5 minutes,and I just want more.. (; But I still loove it..
It's just a gift you have !


viktoriavampyr July 24 2009, 07:48:48 UTC
Aw, I'm sorry...I'll make more of an effort next time, truly!
I have a gift! YAY!


xoneandonlyx July 21 2009, 22:11:40 UTC
no, not lame, CUTE
i loveded it
i need more


viktoriavampyr July 22 2009, 03:13:37 UTC
you loveded it? good :)
you will get more, don't worry XD
ily ♥


xoneandonlyx July 22 2009, 03:23:18 UTC
no ilY

lol, i'll stop xD


viktoriavampyr July 23 2009, 07:12:05 UTC




lilbunnybooboo July 22 2009, 03:08:21 UTC
Im really curious to find out who would hurt Brendon like that. I have a few ideas of who it could be. Great update though. Im glad to get Brendons p.o.v. on what happened


viktoriavampyr July 22 2009, 03:15:04 UTC
A loser! That's who. People who hurt others are losers. Ah, but we'll see. In fact I may be re-writing the whole next chapter....
thank you so much ;)


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