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Comments 28

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viktoriavampyr August 28 2009, 23:59:08 UTC
Here, technically, it is still winter, but it is really warm!!!
tysm bb, ily :)


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viktoriavampyr August 29 2009, 00:03:46 UTC
lol, I'm from little old New Zealand in the Soythern Hemisphere!


safyre993 August 28 2009, 17:11:39 UTC
Oh yay! I havent seen you post in a while... or maybe its because I havent been on as much...?

anyhoo, absolute adorablness!

Im grinning so wide right now... my mouth hurts.
ILY and your stories!


viktoriavampyr August 29 2009, 00:01:01 UTC
YAY! Before this, I hadn't posted in 5 weeks, so I thought it was about time :)

AW, ty hun! Glad you liked it!


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viktoriavampyr August 29 2009, 00:03:04 UTC
*smiles impishly* thank you!

I do that too, it's far more fun than boring sun lol XD


fuelledbydecay August 28 2009, 19:35:55 UTC
It's raining here. Thunderstorms all day.

And yet I don't mind the rain when it involves Brendon being all cute and puppy-ish and Ryan snuggled up together.

Really cute


viktoriavampyr August 29 2009, 00:09:18 UTC

Hehe, nor do I!

Thank you for reading :)


isuzuchan44 August 28 2009, 21:17:41 UTC
The fact that it's raining and dreary outside is perfect.
Ugh. When Brendon kissed him my stomach did a little flip. I loved it.


viktoriavampyr August 29 2009, 00:13:41 UTC
It did? Wow, that's...cool?
Ty for reading hun :)


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