Vidukon 2010/2011

Aug 30, 2009 22:36

The lovely halcyon_shift has given me permission to do some initial sounding out of interest in a second Vidukon, to take place between October 2010 and April 2011. It may sound like a long way off, but I'm sure it will fly round quickly...

As you may know, the first Vidukon, which was in October 2008, ended up with fewer attendees than initially hoped/planned for, so this time hopefully the extra notice will allow more people to plan for it. Not to mention allow for wider pimping and publicity. *nudges*

This is a very early poll to gauge interest.

Considerations you may wish to bear in mind are:
- major events (I've knocked out the end of December due to Christmas)
- proximity to Vividcon (Vividcon is in August, and it may be better to allow people more time to make vids, save money, etc after that event)
- other conventions (if you know of any that we should aim to avoid clashing with, please shoot us a comment or you can email me at bopradar at Gmail dot com).

Poll Vidukon 2010/2011?
ETA: Er, that should be April 2011, not 2012, in the poll.

Please feel free to share any thoughts/ideas in the comments, and please, please pimp the post to anyone you know who may be interested. I have stumbled across many people who have said 'oh, I wished I could have gone!' re. Vidukon, so let's try and get the word out there early. :) Thank you!

We will poll again closer to the time. And if there are not sufficient numbers to justify a full 'convention', we can still look at a 'gathering' kind of thing. :)

ETA2: Possible locations discussed in comments include Cardiff, Newcastle, Birmingham, Manchester, Glasgow and Edinburgh. Location poll to follow.

ETA3 If you don't have an LJ and want to keep posted about the event, drop me your email address at bopradar at gmail dot com and I'll let you know when there's news. Of course you can bookmark the LJ but I'm also happy to email alerts.
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