Oct 31, 2008 14:37
So I'm busily working away on my third vid and I think I've hit a plateau of sorts. I've produced two fairly literal vids that I'm quite happy with, without using many effects or fancy cutting tricks. With this particular vid, I decided to work with clips first before deciding/applying music to it (which is the opposite of how I usually work), mainly so that I could try to be more conscious of the aesthetic with this vid rather than feeling tied to the lyrics so much.
This one is a fast-paced vid and I'm trying to really cut quickly and to the beat using splitting and maybe even some fade to black flashes, although I find fades to be sluggish/unhelpful. But I soon found myself falling into the same patterns of mostly straightforward clip cuts. I don't really know how/which effects to apply to make my vids really standout. I also don't want to overuse effects.
So, I really would like to reach a new level with editing and the overal look/feel of the vid but I'm still unsure exactly how to do that. What editing techniques and tricks do you really like in general in vids? I am using Windows Movie Maker which is a very basic program and offers limited effects options (and what they do have is fairly clunky IMO). Rather than applying pans and zooms and sepia tone wily-nily, I'm curious about some subtler tips that help make a vid stylish and memorable.
This is kind of rambly, but really my question is:
How did you use editing tricks to take your vids to the next level?
all: meta