I've decided to base the rec posts, for the moment, on the table prompts. I think that nicely links everything together.
This post will remain open until September 1st (or there about) and then I'll try to open a new one each month.
The theme for this month is the prompt 80's music. Ah, the 80's! So, please rec us your favourite vids, in
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Comments 9
Vid title: Another Sunday
Vidder name: jescaflowne
Fandom/s: Stargate Atlantis
Your recommendation: Cheesy, amazing effects, great use of the music and lol funny. What more can you ask for?
Link: http://jescaflowne.livejournal.com/76458.html
Vidder name: hollywoodgrrl
Fandom/s: Ashes to Ashes
Your recommendation: If you ever longed for some Sam/Alex fic this is it in a vid. How Alex Drake discovers that the man she really fears is none other than Sam Tyler.
Link: http://community.livejournal.com/sync_slaying/10986.html
Vid title: The Look of Love
Vidder name: ash48
Fandom/s: Supernatural
Your recommendation: Hilarious! With perfect timing and an impeccable sense of humor, this is a very tongue in cheek vid about all the 'looks' the Winchester boys give each other.
Link: http://ash48.livejournal.com/27272.html
Vid title: It's The End of the World As We Know It
Vidder name: nnaylime
Fandom/s: Battlestar Galactica
Your recommendation: Cracky and hilarious vid from Baltar's POV. It has everything from self-serving weasel Baltar to smarmy head!Baltar and a bunch of other delightful, fast-paced details: "It's the end of the world as we know it, but Baltar feels fine".
Link: http://community.livejournal.com/galactica_vids/250117.html
Vid title: Hourglass
Vidder name: giandujakissFandom/s: Multi, including (but not limited to) X-Files, Stargate SG-1, Supernatural, Xena, Day ( ... )
Vidder name: Gentlesideoffury
Fandom/s: Supernatural
Your recommendation: This is one of my favourite 80's vids! The colouring and style are so cheesy, yet so snappy and the song is awesome!
Link: http://gentlesideoffury.wordpress.com/my-music-videos/
Vidder name: ash48
Fandom/s: Supernatural
Your recommendation: Awesome SPN season 3 recap.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXkb1-95K7g
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