List of claims
VidderSign-up DateClaimTable and link
almostgaby2 August 2009Movies
Table: Archetypes bassair28 July 2009TV Shows and Startrek reboot movie
Table: Archetypes bendtothesun22 August 2009TV shows and movies
Table: Random brucasnaleyfan113 December 2009TV shows and movies
Table: Music Styles ces_1 30 July 2009Merlin
Table: Music Styles charmax29 July 2009TV Shows and movies
Table: Random chayiana25 July 2009British TV
Table: Random ciaimpala16 August 2009TV shows
Table: Archetypes collswan25 July 2009Andromeda
Table: Random crashdownpixie16 October 2010Merlin/Arthur from BBC's "Merlin"
Table: The Rainbow crickets29 July 2009TV Shows and movies
Table: Archetypes crystalpumpkin08 December 2010Crossovers
Table: Random docrock064 August 2009TV and Movies
Table: Music Styles freelancer_4725 July 2009Doctor Who
Table: Random hinky1 October 2009Supernatural
Table: Random iminearhelda25 September 2009Movies and TV
Table: Random itsstillmelori2 August 2009The work of Bethany Joy Galeotti
Table: Archetypes lady_othevalley18 February 2010TV & Movies
Table: Music Styles makemerun28 July 2009Spaced
Table: Random manic_mea24 February 2012Broadwalk Empire
Table: Random maybe74202 November 2009Queer as Folk (US)
Table: Random meg_tdj25 July 2009Supernatural
Table: Random meiou_set30 October 2009Movies and Television
Table: Random missyvortexdv21 July 2009Primeval
Table: Music Styles mithborien23 November 2009Scifi/Fantasy TV & Film
Table 4: Archetypes nnaylime1 August 2009Battlestar Galactica (new), Character Laura Roslin
Table: Archetypes noxika26 October 2010Sherlock (BBC)
Table: Random nvrbnkisst31 September 2009Whedonverse
Table: Music Styles phoenix395 August 2009Supernatural
Table: The Rainbow ravenholdt26 September 2011Movies and Gateverse TV Shows
Table: Music styles reb139125 October 2010Alice and Harry Potter
Table:Table: Random reeviez24 August 2010Asian Dramas
Table: The Rainbow reliand5 October 2010TV and movies
Table: Random rosie123428 July 2009TV shows and movies
Table: Music Styles shan_341413 August 2009Skins Series 3
Table: Archetypes spread_the_fun25 December 2009Alice
Table: Random starrylizard15 September 2009TV Shows
Table: The Rainbow sue_chose_this25 July 2009The work of Ewan McGregor
Table: Random theanonsisters25 July 2009Ashes to Ashes
Table: Random trickster8818 May 2012Supernatural
Table: Archetypes vysila10 October 2009Man from UNCLE
Table: Random xcuri0sity23 May 2013TV Shows
Table: Music Styles yaminonaraku3 August 2009Video Games
Table: Archetypes