Guidelines and FAQ

Jul 18, 2009 11:23

There aren't many rules here, they're more like guidelines, however if we all abide by them it will make this a nicer community all around.

1) Please note there are no time limits. The grids are there to inspire you, but what we don't want is 12 shoddily stuck together vids done in one night. Depending on length and complexity, vids can take several weeks or months to perfect and, as such, I urge you to take your time and consider your table as a long-term goal. That said, we won't be monitoring the pace at which you post. It's up to you.

2) It goes without saying, please be polite to other members. If anyone is harassing you, please report it to a moderator.

3) We plan to add more tables to the community over time. If you'd like input into the themes and prompts on these new tables, feel free to submit your ideas on this post.

4) Please post one "new" vid per prompt. The point of the community is to make "new" vids. No recycling of previously posted vids. If a vid that you make covers more than one prompt, please choose which prompt to post it under. One vid cannot be listed more than once on your table.

5) Please tag your vid appropriately. That is, please the correct fandom, prompt and table tags. There is also a "crossover" and "multifandom" tag available. If you require a new tag for your fandom, please tag your post with "tag help" and a moderator will add the tag for you at a later date.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Q: What is a claim?
A: A claim is the fandom/s you plan to vid. Your claim can be as broad as "Movies" or "British TV shows" or as specific as "Stargate Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica vids," or even "Supernatural vids based on the character Dean". How specific or broad your claim is, is totally up to you.

Q: Can I claim more than one table?
A: No, not at present. Please claim one table at a time. This may change in the future if there is large demand.

Q: Can the same claim be used by more than one vidder?
A: Yes. The same claim can be chosen by more than one vidder.

Q: Are there any limits to what can be in my vid or how long my vids have to be?
A: No. We don't want to stifle creativity. The prompt tables are just that, prompts. You can make short vidlets of 20 seconds all the way up to movie-length epics. We also don't police what content is in your vids, though (as with most vidding communities) a warning is appreciated for graphic or disturbing content or sexually explicit scenes as a courtesy to potential viewers.

Q: Is there a time limit?
A: No. You can take as long as you like to finish your table. The only time we may decide to remove you from the list is if your live journal is deleted (strikethough). In this instance we may remove you from the list, but you can reinstate your claim by commenting to let us know your new LJ username etc.

Q: Do I need to fill the table out in order?
A: Nope! You can complete your prompts in any order you like.

Q: What does "vidder's choice" mean?
A: Exactly that. It's your choice, but it should be something to do with the table theme. For example, you might choose the colour brown, grey, peach or gold for the rainbow table. Or for the Archetype table you might choose a Jewel thief, a Princess or a Nerd. There are so many possibilities. The choice is yours. Please do tell us what you've decided your vidder's choice prompt is when you post.

If you have any other questions, feel free to comment on this post.

mod: guidelines and faq, mod post

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