Title: Out Here
heresluck Fandom: due South
hereCommentary By:
sisabet Warnings: I cuss some in the commentary track and generally embarrass myself over Fraser and Ray. Nothing at all unusual if you have ever met me.
Links In the Commentary:
In the Mirror by here's luck
Roots Rain by Kat Allison
Wonder of Birds by Laura Shapiro and Morgan Dawn
xvid 63 mb zipped file Hi, my name is sisabet and this is video commentary for here's luck's vid "Out Here." You might have noticed that the vid currently playing is not "Out Here" and that is okay because CKR? Hot. Also I love
"In the Mirror" very much.
I need to tell you some things about "Out Here" before we actually start it, anyway. here's luck watched Due South in secret and made this video for me and renenet as a surprise. When I found out, I was a just a little delighted and might have posted a couple of times on LJ just to express my gratitude and thanks.
The other thing you need to know is this video is the video of my heart for Fraser and I love it like Cake. More than cake, I don't even like cake that much compared to this vid.
We're gonna open with some establishing shots of Chicago. We've got a very subdued and dark color palette, everything is kind of washed out. We see Fraser walking into the city and the shot is to his back.
And then we get into some cool vidder stuff, let's stop it and look at these things: She is doing these cool almost micro jump cuts and it is just a way to acknowledge the music and still stay with these long shots to establish the mood. And mood, in this vid, is going to be extremely important.
Alright, and we are going back into the video and we are continuing to establish Chicago as this kind of vast urban wilderness and we finally see Fraser shot from the front, but he is looking down, he's one of many, and then all of a sudden -- Campfire and who's that guy? This is important and establishes early in the vid that while it is about Fraser and his solitaryness, Ray's going to be showing up.
This is like vid foreshadowing and I am of the belief that subtlety in vids does not work. This vid? Not subtle. This vid is moody and gorgeous and extremely emotionally evocative and subtlety has no place here. Get in, tell your story/argument, get out. Also, make me cry. Because Fraser? Is a lonely, lonely guy and this is all he knows. And I get that here.
Kat Allison was not only the beta for this vid, she was also a co-conspirator/confident and she has written a story called
"Roots Rain." This is a line from the story: "There's no place in this city that isn't exile for me" This vid absolutely captures that inner despair Fraser feels, cut off from his home and unable to make essential connections with other people.
But, hey! Look! There is Ray and there is a hand-up for a friend and oops there is the beatdown. Things are not working out for our Fraser.
So, let's talk about some of the things that are going on here...narratively you've got...oh, hang on. Fraser, you're so sad.
Okay, narratively, you've got Fraser being confronted with this guy, this guy who is willing to do, y'know, whatever, with him and he just can't make that connection. I swear the hand-up leading into the beatdown is *not subtle*! You've got three minutes to tell your story, vidders, do not be shy about TELLING it.
Call it the "
Wonder of Birds" teachable moment but look at where the movement is going on the screen and then watch as we move into the next shot. That? Is vidding my friends.
Alright, back to the narrative: Fraser and Ray is RIGHT THERE BESIDE HIM and he just can't seem to bring himself, to break out of his container, to touch him to reach out. And there is a perfect opportunity, RIGHT THERE, to touch him. DAMN YOU FRASER YOU HURT MY HEART WITH YOUR REPRESSION!!! Ray has to go and Fraser is left alone, again, and I just wanna shake him except he's got all these abandoment issues and it's just too sad. So I cry instead.
God I love this vid sooo much. Soo much. Did you know here's luck made it for me and renenet in secret?
Back to the vid, Fraser puts his hat back on, there is work to be done, y'all. He's got a duty, a sense of duty, this is what he does, this is who he is and the clip choices have been stellar for creating this understanding of his character.
Another nod to fantastic cutting, look at the use of the movement here - crash in the window, roll on the ground. God he is hot and superb editing just makes it even better.
I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE!! Literal brakes! Right there! Going into the punch and Fraser makes a choice and it is lyrically supported and if this part of the vid doesn't gutpunch you a little, you are a robot. Except I bet Data watches this vid and feels a twinge in his processors so you know, you are a LAME robot and not a cool one like Data.
And now we're all fucked up in the heart,and y'know, here's luck's just gonna twist that knife because it is so sad. Fraser is trying, he is trying so hard and this hurts him so much and he is just without a map. God bless him, he can't help it.
And Yeah. We're stuck at this door. He just hesitates and can't make that last step. And the door isn't a door except for when it is.
At this point in the narrative structure/character development of the vid, the viewer has it better than, y'know, Ray, because at least we are privy to his internal thoughts, but Ray is getting frustrated and I get it! Hell, I love Fraser almost more than any other fictional character out there but I wouldn't want to spend more than a few hours...eh, that's lying, I'd love to spend more than a few hours with h...but yeah. Ray, I get you.
And the vid has to come to a turning point, at this point, or deliver its final blow or the viewer's going to lose interest in the plot. Fraser has to
make a decision. God, he is beautiful.
So we get these other shots of him alone, he KNOWS how to do this. He is not comfortable this way, being alone, but hell it has to be easier than this constant ache with Ray, when he can't seem to fix it.
When he says it is "my privilege to lie awake at night and think of what I've lost" he is thinking about Victoria. I know this. I know this in my heart and if you disagree with me, you ARE WRONG!
But Ray, Ray is his hope for what might be found! And there is HOPE! YES! And look at his little jump/look when Ray puts his arm around him. Such a nice clip choice there.
This is the part of the vid we have to whisper because in the silence, Fraser just might figure something out. I am encouraged because his head is starting to move upward and out of a bow. Head position (and not in the dirty way) is very important Fraser Body Language and we are gonna talk about this more later. Here's luck uses his body language to keep the viewer on target with where he is and where we are supposed to be in our following of this vid.
Seriously, less than a second but my Favorite Part of the Vid. Soooo fuckin' close, guys. Oh GOD.
He is just hot. And, and pretty. God.
And we have a head bow and now we are gonna talk about this: In Fraser body Language the head bow is not good. It is an emotional capitulation, it is him opting out because he isn't equipped for the argument. And it is shame and it is self-doubt and it KILLS.
Kat Allison, I think, said that the repeated "know that I will" in the lyrics are not just Fraser telling Ray that he will do this, one day, but also
reassuring himself. He is convincing himself that he can do this and then we come back to this door.
Fraser is determined now - look at that:
And they walk through the door to the crescendo of the music and EVERYTHING changes - they are in sync and complementary and this movement pulls us into this openness, the city was open but clausterphobuic and dark and dingy and now everything is clear and white and such a RELIEF and Fraser is triumphing and he is doing it! And he is doing it with Ray! Ahem. I love this vid
And Fraser's looking up again and that is such a good sign.
Real quick thanks for "The moon is the only light" because his smile is also "Windows open wide" in "In the Mirror" and it brings me great joy.
This part of the vid should make me happy but it makes me sad because it is over. Except then there is my other favorite part: me.