vid announcement: Due South, "Out Here"

Mar 19, 2006 14:13

fandom: due South
music: Peter Mulvey, "Out Here"
format: DivX, 38 MB
summary: Fraser, F/K. I swear that I am working on what keeps me miles away.
download at my website

password: fraser

ETA: There are now two commentaries on the vid: one by sisabet and one by me. Both are available as download, stream, or transcript.

I like feedback, whether in LJ or as e-mail. Three-word comments are just as welcome as long in-depth analysis. (Though I'm certainly a fan of long in-depth analysis should you be so inclined.)

This vid has a very long story, which I will probably post more about later, but here is the short version:

In July and early August, renenet fell hard for due South in general and Fraser/RayK in particular and started telling me all about it when we talked on the phone (and also started talking about it with sisabet a lot, so I heard about it in chat with them as well). By September, I had this vidsong in mind for Fraser, and I decided that I wanted to see whether I could make the vid as a surprise present for renenet and sisabet. Bear in mind that at that point I still hadn't actually seen the show; I was working solely on the basis of what renenet had told me about the show (which, to be fair, was a lot). I mentioned the idea to katallison (while we were at a Peter Mulvey show, in fact) and later made her listen to the song; she not only provided general support and encouragement but handed me four seasons of DVDs and told me to go for it, and then, once I'd watched the whole series and started planning the vid, talked with me about the characters and thematic stuff and ultimately beta'ed the vid. I brought f1renze on board because I needed somebody else to share the secret with and to talk vid talk with since renenet was obviously out of the question, and she also beta'ed and provided much-needed emotional support as I struggled to a) make the vid, and b) keep it under wraps until it was done.

So this vid is for renenet and sisabet, because I love them like crazy; and it couldn't have been made without katallison and f1renze, who have my undying gratitude because, unlike renenet, they have not spent twelve years in training to deal with me and my freakouts, and yet they managed beautifully.

I am very lucky to have such wonderful friends.

[ETA: Apparently some people are having trouble downloading the vid. Most of the people reporting download problems are using IE; Firefox appears to have no problem (big suprise there). For those of you using IE, left-clicking the vid instead of right-clicking it works fine for me and seems to be working for others as well.

Please don't simply YSI the vid to your friends; I appreciate the urge to share, but I like to keep track of how many people are downloading a particular vid, and I can't do that if you take distribution into your own hands. Thanks for understanding.]

vids: announcements, vid: out here, favorites!, vidding: process, tv: due south

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